American Standard Code for Information Interchange


  • You can use Windows Notepad.

  • Don't depend on ASCII art conversion programs. Do it the "old fashioned" way by typing it out.

  • Save your file in your personal drive, in your BBT 10 folder. If you are doing it from home email it to your classroom teacher. My email is underneath the picture on the main page of my Teacher Page on the web site. (click on Teacher Pages)

  • Thanks to Hunter H. for letting me use his ASCII horse.


ASCII Art Instructables; click here.

Joan Stark Tutorial and others; click here.

ASCII ART Examples

Extended ASCII Table

For inserting extended ASCII characters, press and hold down the "ALT" key while typing the character code decimal number. Use Windows notepad. You must use the numeric keypad and not the ones on the top of the keyboard! Check out the internet for other character codes tables. Here is a link to a Wiki page on how to create ASCII art for some additional information to help you out.