Google Docs Lesson 2

Google Docs Lesson 2

Main Advantages are: 1. Students can share their work easily 2. Students can access it from any computer that has Internet access 3. Students won’t lose work because it saves automatically.

Google Docs Lesson Rename and Share

• Rename your course folder (eg. BBT10) to: CourseName_Username; example: BBT10_ParLam00214 value 5

• I’ll need you to share your folder so I can mark that you have uploaded the Title Page from my teacher page and your first two assignments; Policy and Plagiarizing. You only need to share the folder, not each individual file. Once you share the folder I can mark the files inside.

• Share your new folder with Value 5

• Check to make sure that you have all the files saved in your folder from your respective assigned work pages.