Office 365

  • Click here for The Office 365 Training Center - this site has video tutorials for each application on the Office 365 software suite. Take some time to explore this page before moving on.
  • Click on the "Start with 6 Simple Steps"
  • Thanks to Jeremy, Emma, Keiza, Tammy, and Olivia for their hard work and dedication in making this lesson a success.
  • Please note! When creating a course folder that is shared with a subject teacher, you will need to open the course folder and create all files from within that folder. OneDrive does not like to share files by moving them.

Signing and Getting In to Office 365

After running through all of the different things you can do, here to go to the actual website.

Click sign in, your username is “(student ID)” and your password will be whatever password you used to sign in on the computer with.

Office 365 - Customizing Your Profile

Note: In addition to customizing your profile, you can also intall a free Office 365 on your home PC.

Now I would like you to personalize your account, what I mean by that is I would like you to select a photo and set it as a profile photo. If you have used google photos before you can save a picture to the computer, or you can use another free photos website and then upload them as your profile picture.

All you have to do is click on your initials (top right) and then click My Profile to edit your profile info.

  • Click on upload new photo and then find your photo!
  • You can also click on My Account for your free install of Office 365.

The other thing that you could do if click on your photo and then click “My Profile” then click update profile. That should take you to a page that looks like this. (see image below)

Click on change cover photo and you can select a new background and style too! ( you don’t have to save because it does this automatically. Worth 5.

Office 365 - OneDrive

To start, I would like you to enter OneDrive and create a folder, name it BBT10_(studentId) and under sharing, click private, then click "Grant Access". Make sure you share the folder and not files. I would then like you to type in my email, Value 5

Office 365 - MSWord

Click on Word and start a new document. Include a title page, and write two or three paragraphs about what you think about teens getting jobs at young ages. You don’t need to do any research on the project, only express your thoughts. Name this document “TeenWork_(student username)” You can do this by putting your cursor over the name and clicking. Then enter OneDrive and put it into your shared folder. Value 5.

Office 365 - MSPowerpoint

Next I want you to go to Powerpoint. Choose any appropriate background and create a slideshow, 7 slides MINIMUM (includes a title page and works cited) on your opinion on school. Include things like, what age you should start, how many years you think you should have to take and how long the school days should be. Also, look up the effects that different hours have on a students education and how homeschooling might be better. The other thing that you could look up is if there is a better amount of days that students should be attending school per week. Name this presentation “School_(student username)” and once again share with me. (same steps as last time.) Value 5.

Office 365 - MSExcel

When you’re done the word and powerpoint, I would like you to open up excel. Click new blank workbook, and create a sales VS month chart.

Just like that. You can create any random numbers for your store and then in the final column type “=SUM(B2:M2)” and hit enter. All the numbers should’ve just added together. (If they didn’t you did something wrong, it might take a few tries.) In the same document, I want you to go down to row 4 and do the following.

( I know that mine aren’t on row 4 and 5) Make row 5 your costs, row 6 your income and row 7 your profit. I want you to lay out 6 years worth in row 4, but remember to start in column B. Then in the row “Profit” I want you to type in “=SUM(B6-B5)” and this should automatically add them together, when you hit enter. MAKE SURE THAT YOU CHANGE THE LETTER WHEN YOU SWITCH COLUMNS. At the end I would like you to create a total column and add them with the same code as lastime. “=SUM(B5:G5)”

I want you to name this “Finance_(studentusername)” and then put it into your folder. Worth x.