BBT 9 Course Outline

Broad Based Technology 9

Course Content

Note: Hand washing and sanitizing will be an integral part of courses in the lab and classroom areas due to students needing to share equipment.

Days based on 65 minute periods, 45 day term


This course is designed to enable and encourage students to design, develop, evaluate, and articulate technological solutions. Students will learn to operate and manage a variety of technology systems and applications. They will also be expected to operate within the guidelines of the Department of Education's Computer and Information Use policy, Policy 311 during their high school years.

Students in the Broad Based Tech program will develop an understanding of current and evolving careers and of the influence of technology on the nature of the working environment. Also they will demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of their technological choices and interacting with their computer work environment..

We will be using the course materials developed on the New Brunswick Broad Based Technology Education web site.

There is no text assigned for this course. Students will be assigned a computer workstation that they will be responsible for during each of their prescribed rotations. Students are responsible for maintaining workstations and are responsible to report damage and could be held accountable for the replacement cost if damage in incurred. Computer workstations are maintained by the District 14 Information Services department. Computer programs at the high school level are the only programs that have another department involved in their care and maintenance regime. So, please take care of your workstation!!


Unit One:

Broad Based Lab Orientation (In class):

Students will learn how the Broad Based Technology lab operates and what their expectations are in the lab. They will learn how to contribute positively to the safe operation, proper maintenance of the lab in an efficient manner. The time allotted should be 5% of the term.

Unit Two:

An Introduction to Keyboarding (Touch Typing)(In keyboarding lab):

This unit will be covered during class time at the school. Students will learn proper posture at workstations. They will also learn the importance of proper finger placement in order to maximize their efficiency while inputting data using a keyboard. In the final stages of this unit student will take what they have learned in first part of the unit and use it to develop fast and accurate data entry. This unit will be split. The first part of the semester will be used to learn proper finger placement. The remaining time will be spent improving finger placement and working on proficiency. The time allotted should be 80% of the term.

Unit Three:

Image Editing with the Snipping Tool & Powerpoint (Complete at home):

This unit will be completed by the student from their home. Students will study some of the tools used to implement images and learn some image manipulation. The time allotted should be 5% of the term.

Unit Four:

Coding and the Hour of Code competition (In keyboarding lab):

Students will studying different coding applications and participating in the Hour of Code. The time allotted should be 5% of the term.

Unit Five:

ChatterHigh's Competition (Complete at home):

Students will studying postsecondary pathways, possible career goals, health and financial information. In short, some life skills. The time allotted should be 5% of the term.

Requirements of the course:

  • Come to class prepared: Bring your 3-ring binder for this course only (with dividers), pen and pencil every day, and additional materials upon request.

  • Complete daily assignments, pass work in on time, attend class regularly, participate, model respect and be present for all assessments. It is your responsibility to catch up on missed work. Ask another classmate or me.


  • Assignments - 30% (practical everyday work)

  • Task Analysis/Projects - 50% (related themed projects)

  • Quizzes and Tests - 20%

Please note the following:

  • Each workstation has related videos. Students may bring in their own headphones. There are some lab headphones that can be signed out for lab use only.

  • If you miss school, you must get the notes and assignments you have missed. The software for this course is specific to the Broad Based Tech lab and cannot be accessed elsewhere. If you are making up class time arrange a time at noon with the subject teacher. It is your responsibility to catch up on missed work. Ask another classmate or me

  • If you miss a TEST day, you must have an acceptable excuse or a mark of zero may be given. Since all tests are done on the computers using software specific to the BBT lab, test re-writes have to be done in the lab and at a time arranged with the subject teacher. Usually at noon or before school.

  • Class marks are a part of each portfolio and are included in each of the respective portfolio marks.

  • There is no Final Exam for this course.

  • Behavior Journal - all aspects of students behavior and performance is and will be documented.



  1. Be on time.

  2. Tardiness - make up time, 20 minutes for the first time, time doubles after that.

  3. Only water is allowed and only at the desks, not near computer equipment.

  4. Electronic devices, unless needed for the course and permission obtained by the teacher are to be kept in bookbags, turned off and/or placed at the front of the class during class time. (Your electronic equipment including student laptops, cell phones or other personal equipment is the sole responsibility of the student. If a student chooses to use their phone in class, they risk consequences such as noon time, loss of other privileges and the phone sent to the office.

  5. Discipline will be similar to "real world" work place.

  6. Abuse/Misuse of school property will not be tolerated.

  7. Remain seated.

  8. Raise your hand if you need help and be patient.

  9. Be quiet and remain quiet.

  10. Maintain your Workstation, keep it neat, push in chairs, put things away, etc. (Marks on each report)

  11. Be respectful.


  1. Do not disrupt the teaching environment by speaking when I'm talking to the class. Raise your hand if you need to talk when I am.

  2. Students are expected to stay on task and complete all mandatory exercises, in an efficient manner.

  3. Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials for that class.

  4. Students will not be allowed to be excused during class time unless an emergency arises and then students must ask permission. No one is allowed to leave without permission unless they like to make up time. (10 minutes)

  5. Students who require help during class time must raise their hands. All other times they are to remain seated and stay quiet.