
Kate Seeber Kutrubis, Facilitator & Diversity Research Historian

Vision: From the very beginning, the current administration has openly attacked various minority groups: Religious, LGBT, Immigrants, Refugees, Differently Abled communities, and Women. The diversity team’s vision is to create an open, honest, and respectful forum to safely confront personal biases toward marginalized groups. Unless we confront the biases within ourselves, we cannot see the harmful affects that legislation and the language of dehumanization does to place marginalized groups in danger, on a day to day basis. The diversity team commits to providing trainings to awaken awareness of micro-aggressions, and biases that reside within. We seek to create a desire within each individual to continue to self educate and feel comfortable identifying and neutralizing attacks on marginalized groups. Through compassion, awareness and education, individuals will be empowered to identify aggressive language, and or legislation, and ultimately, listen and give voice to support those under attack.



Southern Poverty Law Center's Guide "Responding to Everyday Bigotry"

Courtney Martin's interview with Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility

What you can do right now to help

We encourage Indivisibles (and everyone) to pursue their own anti-racist education. Here are a few resources we found helpful:

From indivisible.org/blacklivessolidarity

from the American Friends Service Committee:

Bystander Intervention Do's and Don'ts

If you witness public instances of racist, anti-Black, anti-Muslim, anti-Trans, or any other form of oppressive interpersonal violence and harassment, use these tips on how to intervene while considering the safety of everyone involved.


Do make your presence as a witness known.

  • If possible, make eye contact with the person being harassed and ask them if they want support.

  • Move yourself near the person being harassed. If possible and you feel you can risk doing so, create distance or a barrier between the person being harassed and the attacker.

  • If it’s safe to do so, and the person being harassed consents—film or record the incident.

Do take cues from the individual being harassed.

  • Is the person engaging with the harasser or not? You can make suggestions, “Would you like to walk with me over here? Move to another train car? For him to leave you alone?,” and then follow their lead.

  • Notice if the person being harassed is resisting in their own way, and honor that. (Especially white folks, don’t police tone of the person being harassed).

  • Follow up with the individual being harassed after the incident is over, see if they need anything else.

Do keep both of you safe.

  • Assess your surroundings—are there others nearby you can pull in to support? Working in a team is a good idea, if it is possible.

  • Can you and the person being harassed move to a safer space/place?


Don’t call the police.

• For many communities experiencing harassment right now (including Arab and Muslim communities, Black people, queer and trans folks, and immigrants) the police can cause a greater danger for the person being harassed.

Don’t escalate the situation.

• The goal is to get the person being harassed to safety, not to incite further violence from the attacker.

Don’t do nothing.

• Silence is dangerous—it communicates approval and leaves the victim high and dry. If you find yourself too nervous or afraid to speak out, move closer to the person being harassed to communicate your support with your body.

rom groundbreaking organizing to secure Democratic leadership in the House, Senate and White House to leading in the fight for fair working conditions and wages, Black people and our communities have been — and continue to be — necessary to fulfill the promise of America, the ideal of a world where we recognize the inherent dignity and worth of all.

However, despite game-changing defense of and contributions to our democracy, Black-led organizations face anti-Black racism and systemic oppression, which leaves them under-resourced and under-valued.

We've seen the victories that are possible when we trust Black leadership. Now it's time to resource Black-led and centered organizations.

That's why Daily Kos has partnered with progressive Black organizations that have a deep reach into frontline communities and work toward visionary and practical solutions to our largest problems.

Black & Pink, Detroit Action, a project of Tides Advocacy, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Action St. Louis Power Project, Official Black Lives Matter Memphis Chapter, Black Immigrant Collective, Highlander Research and Education Center, UndocuBlack Network, Southerners on New Ground, Movement for Black Lives Action Fund, HIPS, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) Action, BYP100 AF - Jackson, The Marsha P. Johnson Institute, SisterSong, Leaders Igniting Transformation Action Fund, Inc.


Count Me In

Transgender and non-binary people are your neighbors, co-workers, family members and friends. And when you or your friends and family are the targets of hate, violence and discrimination, you act.