CoC Strategic Plan and Initiatives

The Morris County Continuum of Care has established four primary goals in its short-term (2022-2023) strategic plan. Please read below to learn more about the planning process, the current goals and objectives in the plan, and how to get involved.

The Strategic Plan Committee is an ad hoc committee created by the CoC Executive Committee for the purpose of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Plan. The committee is a closed committee; however, there are open spots! If you are interested in joining the Stategic Plan Committee, contact Allison Delcalzo-Berens.

Goal A: Enhance CoC administrative support, operations and coordination

Goal B: Supporting families experiencing homelessness

Goal C: Increase and maintain safe and equitable permanent housing options

Goal D: Ensure programs and system are meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness

See below to view the full strategic plan.

Final CoC Strategic Plan 2022-2023.pdf

Other Initiatives

The Morris County Continuum of Care is committed to improving the homeless planning system through a systematic implementation and review of strategic plan objectives and through its commitment to the initiatives below. Click below to learn more about each initiative.