Weekly Schedule


Weekday Mornings (Mon-Fri)  

7:00am - 7:45am

also 5 pm weekdays  



Saturday Mornings 

9:30am - 10:30am 

In person on Saturdays  - 

9:30am-10:00am  - Chanting and Zazen

10:00am-10:30am - Teisho

10:30am-10:35am - Kinhin

10:35am-11:00am - Zazen (Diasan as needed)

All day sits (Zazenkai)

On the FIRST Saturday of each month, the morning schedule is supplemented by the following afternoon schedule.

11:00am-12:30pm Zazen with Kinhin  (Diasan as needed)

12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch Break

2:00pm-2:50pm Zazen with Kinhin and closing chant


Zazen - Sitting Meditation.  We usually sit for 25 minutes at a time.

Kinhin - Walking Meditation.  We walk in meditation for 5-10 minutes between periods of sitting.

Daisan - Individual instruction with the teacher. 

Teisho - A "dharma talk" or "Buddhist sermon."

Samu - Physical work done mindfully

Zendo - A zen hall.  The place where we sit.