Ms. Moore!


Hi 7th and 8th graders!

My name is Ms. Moore! I get to be your counselor for two years! I talk with students about anything and everything you can imagine... yes, really! One important piece of my job is that what we talk about is confidential. This means that what you say stays between you and me. I only need to tell another adult when I am worried about safety. I thought it might help you get to know me as your counselor if I tell you a little about myself!

I live in Eagan with my husband and my daughter Makenna. I love my job as a school counselor at Heritage! In my free time, I like to be outside, read good books, and go to our cabin!

I got my undergraduate degree in psychology at The College of Saint Benedict/St. John's University. In college, I played soccer for 4 years and got to go to the NCAA tournament! As a Junior, I studied abroad, which means I got to live and go to school in South Africa for half a year! While I was in Africa, I got to volunteer and travel and have tons of amazing adventures! Including skydiving, climbing Table Mountain and the world's highest bungee jump!

After graduating, I spent some time working in residential treatment centers for teenagers who really struggled with mental health and behaviors. I then went to St. Cloud State to get my Masters degree in Counseling Psychology. I became a licensed school counselor and I LOVE IT!

Random Facts:

Favorite color: Orange/Purple

Favorite music: Depends on my mood!

Favorite food: Ice cream!

Favorite season: Fall, love sweatshirt weather, and so pretty!

Favorite place: Cabin!

I love quotes!

My daughter's belly laugh is one of my favorite things!

I like real, meaningful, conversations with people!

I think all my students are brave and strong and amazing!