The Montana SIM™ Project

Our mission is to increase Montana Educator access to Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) evidence-based literacy practices through professional learning in order to improve student outcomes in Montana schools.

"When teachers stop learning, so do students." 

-Jim Knight,  Unmistakable Impact: A Partnership Approach for Dramatically Improving Instruction

Attention Montana Educators

Accelerate Student Growth with SIM 

Funding is currently available  for Montana  educators

Montana schools are emphasizing accelerated learning conditions to 1) bridge students’ content and skill gaps, and to 2) focus on essential grade level curriculum. 

Schools know what needs to be done and why, but do we know how? Fortunately, SIM provides the resources and methods to address this approach and the SIM Montana Project can provide access to SIM materials, professional development and coaching at no cost to you. This project is an OPI Approved Renewal Unit provider.

Read: Accelerating Student Growth through the Strategic Instruction Model: Effective for Decades, Needed Now More Than Ever, an article from Drs. Rosemary Tralli and Jocelyn Washburn

Listen to a webinar sharing insights and connections to the use of The SMARTER Instructional Cycle and accelerated learning. Our Montana educators should be at the table for these conversations in our schools!