Monkton News

May 2024

Monkton May 24

Flood Recovery Fund 

You will all know that Monkton Arts was badly flooded on Wednesday, 25th October 2023 and we were closed for the rest of the week. With a lot of hard work and support from the community, we mounted a massive clean-up operation and were able to re-open on the Friday evening of the same week for the planned 1920 music event.

We've thought long and hard over the last few weeks. Our base in East Street has been flooded five times and the building needs constant attention to remain dry and heated and safe. We would also like to add that we have a full maintenance leese after taking it on as a derelict building 4 years ago, and we are unable to get any insurance for flooding because of its location, so each time has been a hit but this time was one too hard. We have ambitions to do much more for the community. We are committed to helping the community in Ryde, creating cultural assets, enhancing people's quality of life and promoting health and wellbeing. We have loads of ideas about new music events and festivals,, exhibitions, projects and the opening of Appley Tower under our management!

For these reasons we have to survive, which is why we ask for your support at this time to give whatever you can manage, every little helps. This money will go towards the loss of earnings while we were closed, loss of stock and art work lost as well as equipment and basic repairs and to see us over the Christmas period and into the new year.

With our grateful thanks and appreciation,

Jenna and Dawn

John Ackroyd Award for Young Engineer of the Year 

Children's Monkton Arts Prize:

Ryde School Award in the 3D/Mixed Media Category 

In the Crowood Press Award in the 2D Category 

Papa Owl 

Monkton Medals 

Childrens Monkton Arts Prize - 2023 entries open 

Exhibitions of the Winners of 2022
Monkton Arts Prize and Children's Monkton Arts Prize