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Introduction of Performance Art Workshop & Education Programme instructed by Monique Yim
導師簡介:嚴穎嘉 (Monique Yim)
她的教學對象由成人、大學生、青少年、小童、特殊需要或傷健人士、藝術或非藝術背景者,到不同國籍或需要的社群。她獨有開創、設計及教授行為藝術課程,及獨有一套工作坊教學方法。她的教育項目,亦能夠同時融合跨媒介藝術教育,以致生命教育、 正向教育、價值教育範疇,如生死、人生意義及理想、家庭跨代共融、環境教育、公民教育。她曾教學或辦講座於 : 香港大學、香港中文大學、香港理工大學、香港城市大學、香港青年藝術協會等等。
- 行為藝術是當代視覺藝術的一種形式,以身體和行動作為創作媒介材料,具有現場性,由當下的時(時間)、空(環境空間)、人(自身/他人/人和人)、物(物料)作為原素,互動構成。
- 創作者用真實的方式和素材,作真實的呈現。
- 不論時間長度、環境互動、物料利用、身體轉化... 創作形式方法與作品呈現可說多元無界限。
- 任何人,包括有或沒有接受過任何藝術訓練的(對創作者技能及背景無限制、門檻)、不同年齡和身體狀況的(單是歐洲,就有不少身體有各種殘障或疾病的知名行為藝術家),也可創作行為藝術。
- 行為藝術就是走出日常框架,以其作為藝術形式來表達自己,創作屬於自己誠實的作品。同時籍自己和作品,和其他人去感應交流、溝通對話、互動合作。
- 能夠探索與實驗跨媒介藝術作品的可能性,創作無藝術媒介界限、甚至多媒介的作品。例如: 行為x音樂,行為x文學,行為x戲劇,行為x影像,等等。
- 題材無界限。可從個人內在、生命、生活、經歷、事件,到抽象的意像,到具體的社會議題、反思、感受、批判等的角度出發。
- 關於行為藝術,嚴穎嘉論述:「行為藝術作為方法,以身體作為媒介,創作涉獵(的題材和呈現與媒材方式)是最全面廣博的,也是最極致細緻的。它可以是社會性與公共性的,它亦可以是個人自身及內在的觀照,它更是對生命、生活、存在、生存狀態的思考。它是向內同時又向外的,是微觀同時又宏觀的。它有時是過程,有時是結果。它最虛也最實,最柔也最剛。它可以是最容易駕駑的,因為它不像繪畫、雕塑、建築等需要固有或特定技巧的訓練與規範,是直觀與本能,它亦是最難以捉控的,因為它是從心智和精神出發,是當下的時、空、人、物的總和。它的表現形式和承載內容,可能在藝術史是最邊緣與前衛、浮動與爭議的,亦可能在作為人是最日常與平凡、自然與無爭的。」載於香港藝術發展局資助《行為藝術實驗室計劃2014:國際行為藝術節》一書。
- 行為藝術既是生活真實,也是天馬行空,更是人人可創作的無界限或跨媒介創意藝術。
- 透過行為藝術本質的獨立自主性思考、表達、創作的身體力行體驗,從中與自己及他人對話,是個人成長、生命、道德及價值教育的一大資源。
- 青年或兒童藉參與行為藝術工作坊,分別探索嘗試個人的,及群體共同合作的藝術表達和創作體驗,互動分享和交流。透過工作坊,他們用自己和群體的自由創作力,拼發花火,擦出生命和生活能量。工作坊亦能引發他們多種觀看世界,包括正面樂觀的角度、人性的光明、道德和美善面等等,從而啟發他們對人生及社會的不同思考,和實踐多元無限的可能性,並在日後的日常生活中繼續活出創意,提高解難能力,和持續對生活與生命的反思和實踐。
- 個人成長 / 解決困難 / 跨越障礙 / 關愛他人的主題
- 生涯規劃 / 人生意義 / 人生理想的主題
- 家庭教育 / 兩代或三代共融 / 承傳的主題
- 生死教育主題
- 德育 / 正向價值 / 公民及社會權利與責任 / 關懐人文和社會的主題
- 社區 / 社區保育主題
- 不同社群 ( 如 : 長者、新移民、少數族裔 ) / 參與式主題
- 大自然 / 自然保育 / 環保 / 動物保護主題
- 身心靈 / 宗教靈修主題
- 社會及文化研究主題,如 : 全球化、勞工、貧富、性別、弱勢社群主題等等
- 平等教育主題,如 : 種族、膚色、年齡、殘疾、性取向等等
Instructor’s Profile: Monique Yim
Monique Yim is a performance artist and educator based in Hong Kong and worked internationally. Engaged in performance art for 12 years, she has been invited to present her works in Hong Kong and almost 30 cities in Asia and Europe, in over 150 international exhibitions and festivals. She has curated the “Performance Art Marathon" in the West Kowloon Cultural District. She has actively given workshops or lectures at many overseas and local universities, primary and secondary schools and institutions. She has also collaborated with many arts and cultural institutions such as MAD Asia, Hong Kong Gallery Association, CULTaMAP, Hong Kong Literature House, Renaissance Foundation Hong Kong, K11, etc. In 2018, she won the second prize of the "International Award for Visual Art Performance in Public Space” at Kassak Art Centre, Central Europe.
Monique's students included local, China and overseas young artists, arts graduates, arts master students, arts degree students, HKDSE visual arts students and people without art background, ranging from kids, teenagers, adults to people of different races, people come from different communities, disabled and people with special needs. She has worked with Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), Xiamen University (China), Hong Kong University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong School of Creativity, Diocesan Boys' School, Diocesan Girls' School, St. Mary's Canossian College, South Island International School, Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School, Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School, Caritas Lok Jun School (Special Education), Precious Blood Children's Village, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation (YAF), etc.
In 2017 she presented a breakthrough cross-disciplinary arts production of performance art, music, film, installation and theatre, named “Searching for Stillness” in KUC Space, themed on life and death. She also did many pioneering works on local performance art education, such as performance crossover interdisciplinary arts education programmes she provided to “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016”, named “We Are Unique”, and “Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017”, named “Wasteland”, both themed on life education.
Introduction of Performance Art Education, written in 2018:
What is performance art as an art form?
- Performance art is a form of contemporary visual art. It uses concept and body/action as the medium of creation. It has a live nature and is composed of the present interaction of time, space, people and materials.
- Performance art is about authentic, and the presentation and representation of reality.
- Body, material, environment, relationship and interaction of artist and audience of the present time and space… are all media of creating performance art. Artworks are without boundaries, whatever on the concept and form, time and duration, art media or even interdisciplinary.
Who can do performance art? Who can experience, learn, explore and try to create performance art?
- It is an art form that could be done by everyone, that could be created without any visual or performing art background.
- Through this performance art workshop, everyone can try to break through the frame of thinking, to explore life and living, express their inner feelings, find themselves, and discover infinite possibilities. People could create their own piece, express their true selves out of the frame, also could collaborate, interact and communicate with the others and the other pieces.
What is the possibilities of performance art?
- The possibilities of cross-media art creations can be explored and experimented, such as performance x music, performance x literature, performance x installation, performance x theatre, performance x video, performance x photography, etc.
- The theme and perspective could be ranged from the self, life, live, past experience, incident, to social and public issue, reflection, feeling, or critique.
- Defining performance art, Monique Yim stated that, “It is an art form that uses body as a medium. The subject content, media, and material involved in the creation are very diversified yet finest. It can be social and public. It can be about oneself and self-contemplation. It can be thoughts about life, living, and existence. It is inward and outward at the same time, microscopically and macroscopically. It is sometimes a process, sometimes a result. It is the softest yet toughest. It is honest, real and virtual. It can be easy, unlike painting, sculpture, architecture and so on, performance art does not necessarily require certain skills and training, it requires perception and instinct, concept and transformation; it can be difficult, it should be driven from mind and spirit, and is the synthesis of present time, space, people (artist and audience), and objects (material and environment). In the art history, it is probably the most marginal and avant-garde, the most floating and controversial, however, for humans, it is possibly the most ordinary, natural, and secluded.” – Published in the book “Performance Art Laboratory Project 2014: International Performance Art Festival”, supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
What special topics could Monique's performance art (and interdisciplinary art) education programme or workshop provide according to her teaching experience?
Topics of Life Education, Positive Education and Civil Education, like
- Self Developement and Problem Tackling
- Meaning of Life, Life Planning & Life Goals
- Family & Inter-Generation
- Life & Death Education
- Value & Social Responsibility
- Community and Society Concerning
- Nature and Conservation
- Body, Mind and Soul / Religion
- Cultural Studies, like Globalization, Gender, Minorities, etc
Teaching Example:
教學例子 :
2018 工作坊導師。「行為藝術工作坊:與大自然的天人對話」,香港鹽田梓。
2018 Workshop Instructor. "Performance Art Workshop : Dialogue With Nature", Yim Tin Tsai, Hong Kong.
2018 講座講者。瑞士蘇黎世,「身體與自由國際藝術節 2018」,嚴穎嘉藝術家講座 "Performing Naked in Hong Kong"。
2018 Lecturer, Monique Yim Artist Lecture 'Performing Naked in Hong Kong', "Body and Freedom International Festival 2018", Zurich, Switzerland
More 更多
2017 行為藝術主修科講師、工作坊導師。香港文藝復興基金會,「文藝復興夏令營 2017」,香港大學嘉道理中心。
2017 Performance Art Major Class Lecturer, Performance Art Workshop Instructor, “Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017”, Renaissance Foundation, Hong Kong, at Hong Kong University. (Award: The Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017 Champion)
2017 跨媒介創作坊導師、跨媒介作品滙演導師。香港文藝復興基金會,「文藝復興夏令營 2017」,香港大學嘉道理中心。 (獲獎 : 文藝復興夏令營2017大獎)
2017 Creative Workshop Instructor and Showcase Instructor, “Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017”, Renaissance Foundation Hong Kong, at Hong Kong University. (Award: The Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017 Champion)
2017 講座講者。香港海事博物館,「香港環保電影展 x 文化地圖:Make Our Seas Come BLUE-生態藝術巡迴展覽」,藝術家講座。
2017 Lecturer, Artist Lecture, "Hong Kong Ecocinema Festival x CULTaMAP : Make Our Seas Come BLUE - Eco-arts Travelling Exhibitions", Maritime Museum, Hong Kong
2016 工作坊導師、展演導師。香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 2016-藝·花火:《獨一遇無二》行為藝術 x 戲偶」,香港城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心賽馬會舞蹈小劇場。
2016 Performance Art and Cross-Media Art Workshop Instructor, Showcase Instructor, “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016 - Ignite: “We Are Unique” Performance Art x Puppetry”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, at City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre Jockey Club Dance Theatre.
2013 講座講者、展演嘉賓。香港大學,通識教育部,行為藝術講座及示範展演。
2013 Lecturer, Performance Art Lecture, General Education Unit, The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Experience:
教學經驗 :
Local and Overseas Selected Teaching Experience / Project / Advisory / Lecture / Talk / Seminar / Workshop: 本地及海外重要教學經驗/項目 / 顧問/講座/研討會/座談會/工作坊:
2019 香港西貢崇真中學,生命教育及大自然主題,跨媒介藝術教育計劃,課程策劃人、導師、策展人 (即將)2019 Programme Organizer, Lesson Planner, Instructor, Curator, Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Art Education Programme, themed on Life Education and Nature, Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section), Hong Kong (Coming)
2019 香港嘉諾撒書院,生命教育主題,跨媒介藝術教育計劃,課程策劃人、導師、策展人 (即將)2019 Programme Organizer, Lesson Planner, Instructor, Curator, Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Art Education Programme, themed on Life Education, Canossa College, Hong Kong (Coming)
2019 匈牙利布達佩斯,「Transart Communication 國際行為藝術節 2019 : 三十周年慶典、公共空間行為藝術國際獎獲獎者邀請展」,公開講堂,講師 (即將) 2019 Lecturer, Public Lecture, “Transart Communication International Performance Art Festival 2019: Celebrating 30th Anniversary and Invitation for Winners of Visual Art Performance Made in Public Space International Prize”, Budapest, Hungary (coming)
2019 香港大學專業進修學院,「性別多元藝術及教育」公開講堂,講師 (即將)2019 Lecturer, Public Lecture, "Art and Education on Gender Diversity", HKU SPACE, Hong Kong (coming)
2019 香港,自在社,「心靈療癒五色盤日營」社工、輔導員、治療師、身心靈導師工作坊及講堂,導師 (即將)2019 Instructor, Workshop for Social Worker, Counselor, Therapist and Body-Mind-Spirit Coach, "Five Colours: Mind and Spirit Therapy Day Camp", Dreams Possible, Hong Kong (coming)
2019 《五感藝術流》香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」,五感社區推廣工作坊 (即將)2019 "Art Flow In Senses", financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Five Senses Community Art Workshop (coming)
2019 《五感藝術流》香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」,五感專才培訓工作坊 (即將)2019 "Art Flow In Senses", financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Five Senses Art Specialist Training Workshop (coming)
2019 香港鹽田梓,「鹽田梓大聖若瑟主保瞻禮:藝術工作坊」,藝術靜觀工作坊課程策劃人、導師 (即將)2019 Art and Mindfulness Workshop Instructor, "Yim Tin Tsai St Joseph's Day: Art Worshop", Yim Tin Tsai, Hong Kong (coming)
2019 香港 K11,Kulture 11,「Salon 11:真我力量」藝術家講座,講者2019 Speaker, "Salon 11: Power of Me" Artist Talk, Kulture 11, K11, Hong Kong
2019 香港賽馬會創意藝術中心,「第三屆香港同讀文化節」,藝術家講座,講者2019 Speaker, Artist Talk, "The 3rd Hong Kong Queer Literary and Cultural Festival", Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2019 香港賽馬會創意藝術中心,「第三屆香港同讀文化節」,藝術靜觀工作坊課程策劃人、導師2019 Instructor, Art and Mindfulness Workshop, "The 3rd Hong Kong Queer Literary and Cultural Festival", Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2019 深圳會展中心,「深圳時尚家居設計周暨34屆深圳國際家具展」藝術家講座,講者2019 Speaker, Artist Talk, "Shenzhen Creative Week (SZCW) & the 34th Shenzhen International Furniture Exhibition (SIFEChina)", Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China
2018 香港城市大學,創意媒體學院,"Creative Media Colloquium: Creative Media for LGBT Advocacy",嘉賓講者2018 Guest Speaker, "Creative Media Colloquium: Creative Media for LGBT Advocacy", School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2018 香港,香港同志遊行,「同志 x 基督教信仰 x 藝術對談」公開講座,講者2018 Speaker, Public Talk, "LGBT x Christianity x Art", Hong Kong Pride Parade, Hong Kong
2018 香港鹽田梓,「鹽田梓公共藝術三年計劃」,行為藝術工作坊課程策劃人、導師2018 Performance Art Workshop Instructor, "Yim Tin Tsai Public Art 3 Years' Project", Yim Tin Tsai, Hong Kong
2018 瑞士蘇黎世,「身體與自由國際藝術節 2018」,嚴穎嘉藝術家講座 "Performing Naked in Hong Kong",講者2018 Lecturer, Monique Yim Artist Lecture 'Performing Naked in Hong Kong', "Body and Freedom International Festival 2018", Zurich, Switzerland
2018 香港將軍澳官立中學,「全港少年警訊表演藝術比賽2018」,將軍澳區勝出代表學校,行為藝術展演導師2018 Performance Art Teacher, "Jounior Police Call Performing Arts Competition 2018", Tseung Kwan O District Champion: Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School, Hong Kong
2017 香港視覺藝術中心,行為藝術工作坊導師2017 Performance Art Workshop Instructor, Hong Kong Visual Art Centre
2017 香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區藝術計劃-有種藝術」2017 “Start Up - Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Arts Project”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
2017 香港文藝復興基金會,「文藝復興夏令營 2017」,行為藝術主修課課程策劃人、講師、跨媒介創作坊導師、跨媒介作品滙演導師 (獲獎 : 2017大獎)2017 Performance Art Major Class Instructor, Creative Workshop Instructor and Showcase Instructor, “Renaissance Foundation Summer Camp 2017”, Renaissance Foundation, Hong Kong (Award: The 2017 Award)
2017 香港寶血兒童村,《生活的節奏》復活節藝術營,藝術導師2017 Art Teacher, “Rhythm of Life” Easter Art Camp, Precious Blood Children's Village, Hong Kong
2017 香港海事博物館,「香港環保電影展 x 文化地圖:Make Our Seas Come BLUE-生態藝術巡迴展覽」,藝術家講座,講座講者。2017 Lecturer, Artist Lecture, "Hong Kong Ecocinema Festival x CULTaMAP : Make Our Seas Come BLUE - Eco-arts Travelling Exhibitions", Maritime Museum, Hong Kong
2016 香港寶血兒童村,《喜訊!》聖誕藝術營,藝術導師2016 Art and Drama Teacher, “Good News!” Christmas Art Camp, Precious Blood Children's Village, Hong Kong
2016 香港演藝學院,電影電視學院,《港式伴碟》,電影藝術總監、美術指導顧問、服裝造型指導顧問2016 Film Production Designer, Art Direction Advisor and Costume Design Advisor, School of Film and Television, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
2016 香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 2016-藝·花火:《獨一遇無二》行為藝術 x 戲偶」,香港城市當代舞蹈團舞蹈中心賽馬會舞蹈小劇場,展演導師2016 Showcase Teacher, City Contemporary Dance Company Dance Centre Jockey Club Dance Theatre, “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016 - Ignite: “We Are Unique” Performance Art x Puppetry”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
2016 香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 2016-藝·花火:《獨一遇無二》行為藝術 x 戲偶」,香港國際社會服務社,行為藝術工作坊課程策劃人、導師2016 Performance Art Teacher, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016 - Ignite: “We Are Unique” Performance Art x Puppetry”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
2016 香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 2016-藝·花火:《獨一遇無二》行為藝術 x 戲偶」,香港將軍澳官立中學,行為藝術工作坊課程策劃人、導師2016 Performance Art Teacher, Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School, “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016 - Ignite: “We Are Unique” Performance Art x Puppetry”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
2016 中國昆明 108 智庫空間,「第四屆在雲上:國際行為藝術節 2016」,藝術家研討會嘉賓講者2016 Artist Seminar Guest Speaker, “The 4th In The Cloud: International Performance Art 2016”,China Kunming 108 Think Tank Creative Zone
2016 香港青年藝術協會,「賽馬會社區表演藝術雙年展 2016-藝·花火:藝術家學堂」,香港南島中學,行為藝術工作坊課程策劃人、導師2016 Performance Art Teacher, South Island School, “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Performing Arts Biennale 2016 - Ignite”, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
2015 香港 Sense 99,「 行為藝術國際交流計劃記錄展:香港 x 捷克 x 匈牙利 x 斯洛伐克」,藝術家分享會講者2015 Artist Sharing Speaker, “Performance Art International Exchange Documentation: Hong Kong x Czech x Hungary x Slovakia”, Hong Kong Sense 99
2015 香港小童群益會,「愛自由藝術節 2015」,裝置藝術工作坊導師、展覧導師 2015 Installation Art Teacher and Exhibition Advisor, “愛自由藝術節 2015”, The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
2015 匈牙利布達佩斯,「Transart Communication 國際行為藝術節 2015」,藝術家講座嘉賓講者2015 Artist Talk Guest Speaker, “Transart Communication International Performance Art Festival 2015”, Budapest, Hungary
2015 捷克布爾諾,「A.K.T. - V. 第五屆布爾諾國際行為藝術節 2015」, 布爾諾技術大學,藝術學院,藝術家講座嘉賓講者2015 Artist Talk Guest Speaker, “A.K.T. – V. The 5th International Festival of Performance Art”, the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of technology, Brno, Czech
2015 捷克 Policka,「 PCHAO 國際行為藝術節 2015」,藝術家講座嘉賓講者 2015 Artist Talk Guest Speaker, “PCHAO International Performance Art Festival 2015”, Policka, Czech
2015 香港中文大學,文化研究系,文化管理碩士課程,行為藝術講座嘉賓講者、行為藝術展演嘉賓2015 Guest Performance Artist and Speaker, Master of Arts in Cultural Management, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015 香港演藝學院,電影電視學院,客席電影美術指導展示2015 Guest Art Director and Costume Designer, School of Film and Television, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
2014 香港添馬公園,「922 全港大專生罷課-學界罷課不罷學」,行為藝術工作坊導師2014 Performance Art Teacher, “922 Hong Kong City - wide School Strike Campaign”, Hong Kong Tamar Park
2014 香港青年協會賽馬會天悅青年空間,「攝。IFly」 (學員主要為學習障礙及過度活躍症初中學童),短片工作坊導師2014 Short Film Teacher, “Shoot。IFly” (Students with Learning Difficulties), the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Tin Yuet Youth S.P.O.T.
2014 香港彩虹邨天主教英文中學,戲劇工作坊導師2014 Drama Teacher, Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School
2014 中國廈門大學,藝術學院,行為藝術講座嘉賓2014 Performance Art Talk Guest Artist, Xiamen University, China
2014 香港賽馬會創意藝術中心,社區文化發展中心,「行為藝術實驗室計劃 2014:國際行為藝術節」,藝術家講座講者2014 Artist Talk Speaker, “Performance Art Laboratory Project 2014 - International Performance Art Festival”, Hong Kong JCCAC Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD)
2014 香港大學,社會學院,媒體、文化及創意城市碩士課程,行為藝術展演嘉賓2014 Guest Performance Artist and Speaker, Master of Social Sciences in Media, Culture and Creative Cities, Department of Sociology, the University of Hong Kong
2013 台灣台北當代藝術協會,藝術家講座嘉賓講者2013 Artist Talk Guest Speaker, Taipei Contemporary Art Center
2013 香港浸會大學,視覺藝術院,行為藝術研討會嘉賓2103 Performance Art Seminar Guest Artist, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
2013 香港大學,通識教育部,行為藝術講座嘉賓講者、行為藝術展演嘉賓2013 Guest Performance Artist and Speaker, General Education Unit, the University of Hong Kong
2013 香港理工大學,應用社會科學系,《頂理》社會 X 藝術雜誌,顧問 2013 Adviser, “DINGLEI - Magazine of Art X Society”, the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2012 香港牛棚藝術村,「40 身體派對-藝術與精神健康計劃」,跨媒介藝術工作坊導師2012 Cross Media Art Teacher, “Overcome the 40th Birthday Party - Depression through the Body and Art”, Hong Kong Cattle Depot Artist Village
2012 香港聾人協會,裝置藝術工作坊導師、展覧導師2012 Installation Art Teacher and Exhibition Adviser, Installation Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Association of the Deaf
2012 香港城市大學,創意媒體系,行為藝術工作坊導師、行為藝術展演嘉賓2012 Guest Performance Artist and Teacher, School of Creative Media, the City University of Hong Kong
2010-2013 香港教育局,明愛社區及高等教育服務專業及成人教育中心,課後學習及支援計劃,兼職導師2010-2013 Part-Time Teacher, Community-based Projects of School-based After-School Learning and Support Programmes, Extended Support Programmes Section of Education Bureau, Caritas Institute for Further and Adult Education Kowloon Night School, Caritas Community and Higher Education Service, Caritas Hong Kong
2009 香港嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院,學長計劃,藝術與媒體組學長2009 Mentor of Mentorship Programme, Art and Media Group, St. Mary’s Canossian College, Hong Kong
2009 香港兆基創意書院,行為藝術座談會講者2009 Guest Performance Artist and Speaker, Hong Kong School of Creativity
2009 香港科技大學,文化研究中心,行為藝術座談會講者2009 Guest Performance Artist and Speaker, Centre for Cultural Studies, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2008 居留權大學 (甘浩望神父於 2002 年創立),綜合藝術及戲劇科,導師2008 Integrated Art and Drama Instructor, Right of Abode University (founded by Rev. Franco Mella in 2002), Hong Kong
2008 香港理工大學,應用社會科學系,社會工作學士課程,藝術介入社會講座嘉賓講者2008 Guest Speaker, Art as Social Intervention Talk, Social Work Curriculum, the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2007 香港嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院,會考視覺藝術科,嘉賓講者2007 Guest Speaker, HKCEE Visual Arts, St. Mary’s Canossian College, Hong Kong
2007 香港明愛樂進學校 (中度弱智及自閉症特殊學校),視覺藝術科,駐校藝術家2007 Artist-in-Residence, Caritas Lok Jun School (Special School for Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities and Autism) Visual Arts Subject, Hong Kong
2006 香港拔萃男書院、香港拔萃女書院,聯校英語戲劇《Papa Blues》,顧問、舞台藝術總監、舞台佈景設計師2006 Advisor, Artistic Director and Set Designer, “Papa Blues”, Diocesan Boys' School and Diocesan Girls' School Joint School Drama Production, Hong Kong
2004 香港明愛馬鞍山中學,香港中文大學及香港非正規教育研究中心合作計劃,通識教育科:全球化專題,客席導師2004 Guest Teacher, Liberal Studies: Special Topic in Globalization, Project of Hong Kong Informal Education Research Centre and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School, Hong Kong
Other Useful Information About Performance Art:
關於行為藝術,其他有用資料 :
Tate Modern : Tehching Hsieh – 'All Art Comes From Life' | TateShots
MOMA : Marina Abramović: What is performance art? (video) | Khan Academy
M+ : A Brief Introduction to Performance Art and Its History in Asia 淺談行為藝術及其在亞洲的歷史
CUP : 由偏鋒到主流:「行為藝術」百年簡史- *CUP
The Chinese University of Hong Kong : 香港行為藝術2012年:藝術與存在的行動 - The Faculty of Arts, CUHK
Asia Art Archive : Ideas | Hong Kong Performance Art Research Project | Asia Art Archive
MingPao Weekly :「行為如何成為藝術?」,《明周》,香港,中文,第 2373 期,2014 年 5 月 3 日。'How is Performance Art?', "Ming Pao Weekly (Chinese-language cultural magazine)", Hong Kong, Chinese, 3 May 2014.
RTHK :「嘉賓:藝術家嚴穎嘉-行為藝術實驗室計劃 2014」,主持:楊慧儀、李秋婷,《演藝風流》,香港電台第二台,香港,粵語,2014 年 4 月 5 日。'Interview Guest: Artist Monique Yim - Performance Art Laboratory Project 2014: International Performance Art Festival', Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Cantonese, 5 April 2014
Onlyone Radio :「行為藝術實驗室計劃 2014-嘉賓:嚴穎嘉」,主持:利耀堂,《有台火》,Onlyone Radio,香港,粵語,2014 年 3 月 31 日。'Interview Guest: Artist Monique Yim - Performance Art Laboratory Project 2014: International Performance Art Festival', Onlyone Radio, Hong Kong, Cantonese, 31 March 2014
Onlyone Radio :「專訪:跨媒介藝術家嚴穎嘉-行為藝術走兩岸」,主持:利耀堂,《有台火》,Onlyone Radio, 香港,粵語,2014 年 1 月 27 日。'Featuring: Artist Monique Yim - Performance Art Journey', Onlyone Radio, Hong Kong, Cantonese, 27 January 2014.
Metropop :「行為藝術新面向」,《Metropop》,香港,中文,第 385 期,2013 年 12 月 19 日。'New Perspective of Performance Art', "Metropop (Chinese-language magazine)", Hong Kong, Chinese, Vol.385, 19 December, 2013.
Milk Magazine :「Art=Life=Politics:what is artist,what is art - MONIQUE YIM:IN THE NAME OF ART」,《Milk》, 香港,中文,第 357 期,2008 年 5 月 22 日。
Inmedia : 臆想行為藝術
HKAAA : 行為藝術實驗在社區
MingPao : 【ArtBasel】無法出售的藝術?在藝博會中我們看到行為藝術- 明周文化
雅昌藝術網 : 為什麼西部會出現「行為藝術熱」?
壹讀 : 行為藝術怎麼賣?
每日頭條 : 他是誰?行為藝術家...
Other Useful Information:
其他有用資料 :