Selected projects

Value of time

  • Waiting times in Copenhagen Airport, An economic evaluation of delays in the central security check. Ministry of Transport, Denmark, 2016.
  • UK VoT Peer review. 2015.
  • UK VoT scoping study, 2009-2010.
  • NorVoT. Institute of Transport Economics, Norway, 2008-2010.
  • SweVoT. WSP, Sweden, 2007-2010.


  • The tax structure in the transport sector. The Research Board of the Ministry of Energy, Denmark, 1993.
  • Competitive Interfaces in Passenger Transport. The Research Board of the Ministry of Energy, Denmark, 1993.
  • CO2 Emissions in the Transport Sector. Danish Ministry of Transport, 1995.
  • Analysis of proposals for revision of the tax structure for passenger cars. The Danish Transport Council, 1995.
  • Evaluation of proposals for differentiation of annual vehicle taxes. The Danish Transport Council, 1996.
  • Strategy Study for the Passenger Rail Markets of Hungarian State Railways (MAV). European Commission (Phare), MAV, Hungary, 1997.
  • Economic Evaluation of a Fixed Link across the Fehmarn-Belt. Ministry of Transport, Denmark and Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Germany, 1998-1999.
  • Sociological Perspectives on Transport Modelling. The Danish Transport Council, Denmark, 1999.
  • Green tax reform for pasenger cars (Grøn omlægning af bilbeskatningen), Ministry of Transport, 2010-2011.


  • Danish freight transport flows. Danish Roads Directorate, 1993.
  • Value of Time Study for Freight. SIKA, Sweden, 1998-1999.
  • Econometric Models for Foreign Trade. SIKA, Sweden, 1998-1999.


  • PETRA, a model system for passenger transport in Denmark. Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy and the Transport Council, Denmark, 1994-1997.
  • Traffic Forecast Model for the Øresund Link. Øresundskonsortiet (The Øresund Consortium), 1995-1997.
  • Traffic Forecast Model for Storebælt. A/S Storebælt, Denmark, 1993, 1996 -1997.
  • The Energy Efficiency of Passenger Cars. Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Transport, Denmark, 1997-1998.

Third world

  • Feasibility Study Update of the Kapiri Mposhi - Serenje Road. Danida, Zambia, 1996.
  • Feasibility study for Construction Package 2, Lusaka - Chipata road. Danida for Ministry of Works and Supply, Road Department, Zambia, 1996.
  • Four Laning of National Highway No. 2 from Varanasi to Aurangabad. Economic and financial evaluation. National Highways Authority of India and the World Bank, 1998-1999.