Millimeter Wave

Plasma Diagnostics Group

The UC Davis Microwave/Millimeter Wave and Plasma Diagnostic Group (MMWPDG), founded by Prof. Neville. C. Luhmann,Jr., is part of the Davis Millimeter-Wave Research Center (DMRC). The thrust of the UC Davis Microwave/Millimeter Wave and Plasma Diagnostic Group is the development of advanced millimeter-wave plasma diagnostic instruments and techniques on relevant magnetic fusion devices, and obtaining important physics results with these diagnostics. A further important mission is the training of the next generation of plasma physicists and engineers. In this regard, UCD is extremely fortunate to have available perhaps the most extensive microwave, millimeter-wave, and submillimeter-wave equipment collection available anywhere, and has been designated a Center of Excellence in high power microwave/millimeter-wave sources. Further capabilities are provided by extensive collaborations with fusion researchers and millimeter-wave technology researchers worldwide.

Mar 15, 2022 On Thursday, 10 March 2022, MDPI and the Journal Applied Sciences, organized the 4th webinar on Applied Sciences, titled "Advances in Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Diagnostics and Their Applications". The topics introduced in this webinar are only a part of a wide range of applications of microwave to millimeter-wave diagnostics. However, they include several breakthroughs in engineering and physics point of view. They can be applied to various fields in the near future.
The introduction was held by the Chair of this webinar, Prof. Dr. Atsushi Mase, from the Global Innovation Center at Kyushu University, Japan. This introduction was followed by an Historical Overview of Microwave Plasma Diagnostics given by Prof. Dr. Anthony J. H. Donné, from Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
After this first part of the webinar, three selected speakers explained their main research in the topic of the session. The first presenter was Dr. Yilun Zhu from University of California, in USA, who discussed about Highlighting Recent Phase Advancement of Microwave Imaging Diagnostics. This presentation was then followed by Prof. Dr. Chia-Chan Chang, from National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan, about the Design of Angle Change Sensor Using Radar Technology. The final presentation was given by Prof. Dr. Hyeon K. Park from the Frontier Sciences of the University of Tokyo in Japan, and was focused on Fusion Science Aided by Advances in Microwave Technology.
Each presentation was followed by a Q&A and a discussion, moderated by the Chair.

Please note the recording has been edited for a better non-live experience.

14th UK,Europe, China MM Waves and THz Technology Workshop_v37.pdf

Imaging diagnostics

Electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) and Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) are visualization diagnostics for magnetic confinement plasma facilities developed by MMWPDG, University of California, Davis.

  1. Multidimensional visualization diagnostics;

  2. Non-invasive diagnostics;

  3. Well-suited for magnetohydrodynamics activity and interactions across multiple scales;

  4. Wide coverage in plasma region for helically symmetric structure reconstruction;

  5. High temporal (~ microsecond) and spatial (~ centimeter) resolutions;

  6. 2 million FPS (frame per second) max capability;

  7. Wide frequency bandwidth and ultra-high sensitivities;

  8. Experimental data and theoretical model validation by synthetic diagnostics;

  9. Intelligent analysis modules are developed and used for image processing.

Accompanied with the development of ECEI/MIR systems, the Microwave/Millimeter Wave and Plasma Diagnostic Group also pioneers System-on-Chip, Radio Frequency System design, Synthetic Diagnostics and Vacuum Electron Device (VED) development.


  • Ying Chen advanced to candidacy

  • DOE 5-year Grant to develop High-k Scattering System and Far-Infrared Interferometer-Polarimeter Systems for the NSTX-U spherical tokamak

  • DOE 3-year Grant to develop innovative microwave imaging diagnostics for fusion plasmas

  • ARPA-E Grant to develop portable Ultrashort Pulse Reflectometer system for fusion plasma density profile measurements

  • Congratulations to Calvin Domier and Guanying Yu for their winning the poster prize on 4th AAPPS-DPP conference.

....More in publications.

More information on MMWPDG research areas may be found here.