
PTA Membership

The MLK PTA is an inclusive organization that is open to all adults who care about children and Martin Luther King Elementary school.

We have learned that parents mainly want schools to help their child succeed academically, emotionally, and personally. PTA bridges the connection between home and school. By getting involved with the MLK PTA, the child who benefits most is one's own. We reach out to diverse communities to allow parents to more fully integrate their children into the life of a school. We actively invite all parents to be involved in their children's education through participation in the MLK PTA. We work hard to bring mothers, fathers, teachers, school administrators, grandparents, mentors, foster parents, other caregivers, and community leaders into the association. You can join the MLK PTA at any time during the year, although our annual membership drive is in September. Annual dues for individuals are $12.00 per person per year or $20.00 for family membership (2 persons same household) per school year. We encourage every parent and every family member to join us in the efforts of MLK PTA. Any individual who wishes to volunteer with their child's class room must be the PTA member.

The MLK PTA is an active organization, providing many volunteer services to our children’s school as well as supporting other community organizations.

How does MLK PTA?

One important function of the MLK PTA is providing communication between the school and the home. This is accomplished through this website, regular emails (make sure we have your contact information) & WhatsApp groups for quick communication. Monthly PTA meetings provide additional opportunities to learn about what is happening in the school and communicate with the school administration, voice concerns or ideas. Only PTA members can vote on decisions proposed by the PTA Board.

While volunteer hours of service are most vital, the PTA also finds it necessary to sponsor fundraisers to sponsor three learning assemblies, our annual author presentation and book signing, and various family activities, fun field day activities, Scholastic Book Fairs, funding for Teacher Grants (providing your child more learning resources), scholarships for former MLK students, our staff appreciation luncheon, and our contribution toward 5th Grade Project Graduation just to name a few of the PTA's financial responsibilities. We look forward to providing these learning opportunities and more during the 2021-22 school year.

Join US!

We invite you to join the MLK PTA for your child increasing our membership, by even one, makes it possible to provide important educational resources, speak up on important issues and create a stronger school community. There is no wrong or right way to be involved- anything you can give, whether it's time or money, will support your child's potential.

REMEMBER, your child is the one who benefits most!

For ease parents can join the PTA online. Click here to join the PTA online and pay with a credit card. Please fill out all information.

You can also return the paper form with your child to school. A link to the form is below.

By joining MLK PTA your dues also make you members of the National PTA & NJPTA organizations.