Croatian Philosophical Society
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Mediterranean Humanism: On the 500th Anniversary of the Death of Marko Marulić

International scientific conference

Split, April 11-13, 2024 

Call for Abstracts

The Croatian Philosophical Society and the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Split cordially invite you to the 

XVIII Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy - Mediterranean Humanism: On the 500th Anniversary of the Death of Marko Marulić

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Marko Marulić, the father of Croatian literature, a humanist writer praised for his philosophically stimulating works. Because of that, we decided to dedicate this year's conference to Mediterranean humanism.
The conference is open to submissions related to the philosophy and culture of humanism and the Renaissance in the Mediterranean, not necessarily related to the work of Marko Marulić.
In addition to this special theme, the conference is also open to two permanent themes: philosophy in the Mediterranean and globalisation challenges and multiculturalism in the Mediterranean.
According to that, the symposium program will consist of the following thematic units:

I. Marko Marulić in the Past, Present and Future
II. Humanism and Renaissance in the Mediterranean
III. Philosophy in the Mediterranean: authors, theories, concepts
IV. Globalisation challenges and Multiculturalism in the Mediterranean 


Interdisciplinary research is welcomed. 

Application deadline (second call):

We are glad to inform you that the application deadline has been extended until February 20th.

There are two possible ways to register:

i. by filling out the Online form

ii. by sending the completed Application Form to the e-mail address: or 

Notification of acceptance/rejection (first call) will be sent by the 16th of February.

Notification of acceptance/rejection (second call) will be sent by the 26th of February.

Online application form:

Submission form (via

Registration fee:
The registration fee for participation in the symposium is 50 euros.

The registration fee includes:

Details about the registration fee payment will be e-mailed after the Notification of acceptance/rejection. 


Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by the 16th of February.

*Important: The deadline for submitting full papers (after presenting at the conference) is June 30th. However, submitting full papers for publication is not mandatory.

Call for Papers

After participating in the conference, participants can submit their papers for publication in international scientific journals Synthesis Philosophica (https://hrcak.; in English) or Filozofska istraživanja (; in Croatian). Both journals are included in the most important international databases:

a.   Synthesis Philosophica: Current Contents Connect - Web Of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index – Scopus - Doaj - Scimago Jr - Journal Citation Reports - Erih Plus - The Philosopher's Index - Philosophy Research Index - Socindex - Political Science Complete - Llba - Linguistic And Language Behavior Abstracts – Sociological Abstracts - Social Services Abstracts - Worldwide Political Science Abstracts - Humanities International Complete - Ibz Online - Humanities Source

b.  Filozofska istraživanja: Web Of Science Core Collection / Arts And Humanities Citation Index - Scopus – Erih Plus - The Philosopher's Index - Philosophy Research Index - Clarivate Journal Citation Reports - Doaj – Ceeol - Scimago Jr - Rilm - Hrčak.


Please prepare the papers in accordance with the guidelines of the journal, available at the following links:

a.      For Synthesis Philosophica:

b.      For Filozofska istraživanja:

Important: The deadline for submitting full papers (after presenting at the conference) is June 30th. However, submitting full papers for publication is not mandatory.

Languages of the conference:

The working languages of the conference are Croatian (and related South Slavic languages) and


Conference structure:

All thematic units are interdisciplinary. Individual panels will be organised according to the principle

of thematic or methodological similarity.

The conference part of the symposium takes place on the 11th and 12th of April. On April 13th, we will organise an optional city tour, with an emphasis on its Renaissance history and Humanism.

Date and venue:

April 11-13, 2024

The conference takes place at the address: 

University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Poljička cesta 35, 21 000 Split, Croatia

Important: The conference venue is accessible to people with disabilities. 

Optional city tour (April 13th) 

For those staying in Split after the conference, we will organise an expert tour of Diocletian's Palace and the city centre, with an emphasis on its Humanist and Renaissance history (on April 13th).


The organisers are unable to provide accommodation for conference participants. Participants independently organize and reserve accommodation.





Poljička cesta 35, 21000 Split

Tel.: +385-(0)21-541-902


Filozofski fakultet, Ivana Lučića 3

HR–10000 Zagreb

Tel.: +385-(0)1-6111-808

Fax: +385-(0)1-6117-012



Program committee:

Prof. Mislav Kukoč, Chair 

Anita Lunić, PhD, Conference secretary

Prof. Hrvoje Relja

Prof. Dževad Zečić

Assoc. Prof. Marita Brčić Kuljiš

Assoc. Prof. Bruno Ćurko

Assoc. Prof. Zoran Dimić

Assoc. Prof. Tomaž Grušovnik

Josip Guć, PhD

Antonio Kovačević, MA

Organising committee:

Prof. Mislav Kukoč, Chair 

Anita Lunić, PhD, Conference secretary

Prof. Jasna Jeličić-Radonić

Prof. Dunja Jutronić

Prof. Hrvoje Relja

Prof. Luka Tomašević

Assoc. Prof. Marita Brčić Kuljiš

Assoc. Prof. Bruno Ćurko

Assoc. Prof. Borislav Dadić 

Josip Guć, PhD

Danica Radoš, MA

Antonio Kovačević, MA

Mira Matijević, business secretary