Mistwood’s Statement of Equity & Solidarity with BLM

The educators at Mistwood realize that disparities in education and society exist based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, special needs, English language proficiency, socioeconomic status and geography.

Mistwood's vision has always been to create a community full of joy, kindness, respect and a love of learning. Children are happy to be at school and learn as individuals how to appreciate, understand and accept the differences in themselves, their friends, their community and the world. It has been an important objective for our school to provide a learning environment in which equity, justice and truth are taught through an unbiased, antiracist approach. We have created an environment in which children are able to learn pertinent facts through full and fair exploration of materials. They are able to discuss their thoughts through meaningful and valuable conversations and are able to form their own independent opinions and conclusions. We strive to create a place where children feel significant and know they are cared about. We wholeheartedly believe that our students in turn will be positive participants in society reflecting those same core values in their community and world.

We stand in SOLIDARITY with the Black Lives Matter Movement and believe that education is a powerful tool to fight against racism and the inequities that are prevalent in our society. We believe in providing a rich academic foundation where the voices of ALL people are amplified. We believe in the strength of those voices, and know that by providing an environment in which their voices are consistent, uplifted and celebrated we are creating a more equitable future for all of us.

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