Application Process 

Application and Family Information

We ask the student and parents to complete an application packet together. This packet includes: family information, a student questionnaire, parent questionnaire, and a current teacher recommendation form. We also ask that families attach the most recent report card, transcript or grad progress to the application along with the $10 processing fee. 

Parent Tour and Meeting with the Directors

After an application is reviewed,  families will be contacted to schedule a tour and meeting. Mistwood is a different place and because of this it is crucial that parents meet with the directors and have a full tour of the school. We find that students' parents need to have a clear understanding of the Mistwood educational philosophies and vision before being able to decide if it is the right place for them.

Student School Visit 

When a student visits Mistwood, we consider:


When deciding whether to accept a student and family at Mistwood, we consider our observations of the student during the visit and the parental understanding of and support for Mistwood's mission and vision. If Mistwood is found to be a good fit for the student and family's educational philosophies then the child can be enrolled if there is room. If there is no room in the appropriate group, the student's name will be added to the wait list. Students on the wait list will be offered a place based on the order in which the students were added to the list. 


Mistwood Educational Center confers to its students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, or other school-administered programs.