Proficiency Based & 21 Century Graduation Requirements 

Proficiency Based Credits and Grading

At Mistwood we want students and families to focus on LEARNING, not on "work production" and "points". Our youngest students do not receive any grades. Middle students only receive "grades" as a way of providing feed backing and helping them improve their skills. Our oldest students have a 'Proficiency-based' systems for grades, and academic reporting using an interactive transcript.  This is centered on students demonstrating that they have learned in a way that makes sense to them

At Mistwood High School students are given a list of objectives/skills to accomplish in order to graduate. Credits and grades are based directly on showing proficiency in these objectives and not tied directly to "passing a class" or a "test". 

Graduation Requirements for the 21st Century

Traditional graduation requirements are focused only on academic content. Mistwood puts equal emphasis on practical life skills, social skill, ethicals and vocational skills. This provides students with real life abilities they need to be productive members of our local and global community. Our Graduation requirements are alined with our School Wide Learner Outcomes. 


A Mistwood graduate will have academic mastery, internal strength, a global perspective, integrity and independence.