Logan Cable -

My artworks revolve around fishing because it is a hobby that I enjoy doing. I wanted to focus on two different things when creating my artworks. I wanted to focus on carving and painting because these are the two main aspects of the lure making process. The carving aspect of my art making process was very fun and I really enjoyed doing it. I was able to focus on shaping the wood and making sure it was the exact shape I wanted. Compared to my works last year I definitely see improvements in my carving skills and I have developed techniques that allow me to produce more professional looking lures. I also began using new tools that I haven't used before. The tool I find most useful is the dremel because it allows me to shape the wood very precisely. Over all my carving skills have improved and I am glad i have had the opportunity to work on those skills. Painting is a part of the lure making process that I don't like all that much but I did want to practice because it affects the outcome of the final product. Some of the lures that I painted are store bought lures and I did this because carving was a very time consuming process and I wanted to be able to spend more time working on my painting skills. This allowed me to really refine and work on my painting skills. The lure that I would like to pay some attention to is lure number 1. This is the first lure that I have ever made and I think that it does a very good job at showing off all the aspects of the lure making process. The carving is very good and the painting is more quality then most of the other lures. The reason I wanted to bring attention to this one is because it is good in every aspect of the lure making process. When I make lures they normally are good in one aspect if the creation process. Either the painting came out very well or the carving came out very well but rarely am I able to make a piece that has both of these all in one package. Over all I have really enjoyed making and painting lures but there is still plenty of room for improvements to be made.

Lure 1

This was the first lure that I have attempted to make. With this artwork I wanted to try out carving and I had a lot of fun with it. Now because I was limited by what I could do in the art room the shape of the lure isn't quite what I wanted it to be but Im still happy with its outcome. The next challenge was going to be painting it and I feel I did a good job. It doesn't look amazing but I am still glad with how it turned out. The main flaw I see with this lure is the colors I chose to paint with. I used a dark blue when I wanted to use a lighter blue and It really throws off the look of the entire lure for me. I also wish I could of used glass eyes instead of painting them on because the painted on eyes look off. For this being my first lure I am happy with its outcome even with its flaws. Mistakes are apart of learning process and I will use them to make the next lure better.

Lure 2

For this artwork I really wanted to focus on the carving aspect of the lure making process. Im am very happy with the look of this lure. When I was carving I wanted to make sure the it had a more round look to it. I wanted to take more time to really insure it look like a fishing lure. I didn't want this lure to have edges to it so I spend a lot of time rounding off the edges and making sure it had a round look to it. This is exactly what I was trying to carve. I see no flaws in the actual carving portion of the lure. I do wish I could have gotten the lip of the lure to sit better but it is the way it is due to the tools I have access to in the art room. When I was painting it I didn't know what to do so I just went with the flow and painted whatever first came to mind. I think it looks alright but there is definitely room for improvement. Overall I am happy with the shape of this lure and with there was a way to replicate this shape everytime. The only thing I would do differently is spend more time painting it because it came out looking a bit sloppy.

Lure 3

This lure was bought from a store and painted by me. I did this because I wanted to really practice my painting skills. I wanted to spend time developing my painting skills after my previous work. I tried replicating a vintage fishing lure look and I did that very well. It was common for older lures to have a simplistic design like this one but I selected this one because of the details it involved. This one involved me painting on layers starting with the belly of the lure, then painting the lateral line then painting the top of the lure. But this style of lure involved painting spots on top of the lure and that's why I selected it. The area I struggled was making the spots consistent shape, size, etc… Overall I am happy with this lure and I definitely improved my painting skills but it let me know that I need to work on the consistency of my painting.

Lure 4

In all honesty this lure is bad and I do not like it at all. This lure was rushed and because of that it looks sloppy. I managed my time very poorly giving myself very little time to do each step required to make a lure. The carving was rushed and the lure ended up looking a little off. The front is to round and a little to big compared to the body of the lure. The lure are tapers off to quickly towards the end giving it a very prominent teardrop shape. The lip of the lure is way to big and should of been made smaller. When I was painting I wanted to try and recreate my first lures paint job but better but it again didn't turn out how I wanted, so i tried scuffing up the lure to see if that would maybe help and it looks a little better but it still doesn't look good. I dislike everything about this lure but it was a good learning experience because it showed me that I need to really manage my time and I can't rush the lure making process.

Lure 5

When I was creating this lure I wanted to try being more detailed with my painting. This lure is bought from the store because I didn't want to stress about making a good base to paint on. This was meant to resemble a rainbow trout and I think it does that well. This colors are a little lighter than intended and I wish I could of blended them better but even with those flaws the final product looks really good. I used an image of a rainbow trout as a reference image when painting this lure. I think that the color pallet works really well together and that's why the lure looks so good even though its not exactly what I wanted. This is my favorite painted lure that I have made so far. This is a great example of how I have improved my painting skills. The next thing I would like to tackle is blending colors. Doing this is had on such a small canvas but I think that it can be done with enough patience.

Lure 6

This lure was my rendition of a bluegill. I did not carve this lure it is just painted. Just like the previous lure I like how this turned out but it doesn't look how I wanted it to. This lure consists of a dark green back, and orange belly and black stripes. The green is significantly darker than it should be but I think that it works. The orange is also a little off but again i think it works. The green needs to be a little lighter then it is and it should have a bit of gold mixed into it. The orange needs more yellow mixed into it. All of that will give the lure a more realistic look as opposed to it looking fake. This lure can be used as a learning experience because even though it's not what I was going for it still looks alright and it was my first experience really mixing colors. It's not my favorite lure I've made but I’m not displeased with the outcome.

Lure 7

This is the last lure that I painted this year. This is another lure that I bought then painted because I wanted to do a nice paint job a didn't want to worry about making another wooden lure. I wanted to make a lure that stands out from the rest of my lure so I decided to paint this one with red. This lure is meant to resemble a crawfish. I really enjoyed painting this one because I got to really take my time and paint something that looks good. I had to do line work to resemble an exoskeleton. The lines turned out better than I thought they were going to. The red and orange are exactly what I was going for. Over all this is one of my favorite lures i've painted so far. It could be because of the color pallet or the thing I was trying to replicate but I had a lot of fun with this one.