What do you see when you look in the mirror?

This is the unspoken question presented through Mirrored (2022). Mirrored is a student run exhibition that asks you to explore what it means to have an identity and how that metamorphosizes over time.

Mirrored contains the works of 36 senior artists from our Year 2 IB Visual Arts class and features 37 artists from our Year 1 IB Visual Arts class. Bodies of work from Year 2 artists are a culmination of their 2 years in the IB Visual Arts program at CCPS. As you traverse through the variety of works students have to offer, you will come to understand the different walks of life we hail from and, perhaps, maybe even aspects of your own identity, echoed herein. We hope you enjoy looking at the art that reflects the last 2 years of our lives.

With that being said, we thank you for taking your time to bear witness to the artworks that mark the end of an era for our 2022 seniors and the prelude to something extraordinary for our Year 1 class and those who come after.

If you have any feedback about Mirrored, we'd love to hear it! Please leave it in the Google Forms attached below.