
Learn more about our state's postsecondary initiatives and outcomes

College Application Completion

Working to increase college application completion during statewide College Knowledge Month (CKM) events during October.

Statewide FAFSA Filing Goal and Progress

Working to increase FAFSA filing by 5 percentage points every year for 5 years. For the class of 2022, our state’s goal is to see FAFSA filing reach 53%, while closing gaps in FAFSA filing by race/ethnicity.

To combat recent declines in FAFSA filing among Minnesota’s high school seniors, the 2020 Minnesota Legislature enacted legislation directing the Office of Higher Education (OHE) to set an annual goal for FAFSA filing among high school seniors. For the class of 2021, only 48% of seniors filed a FAFSA, an all-time low in recent years. In coordination with the Minnesota Department of Education, OHE has set a goal of increasing FAFSA filing by 5 percentage points every year for 5 years, with a focus on closing gaps in FAFSA filing for Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. 

Visit the FAFSA Dashboard to track our progress!