College Knowledge Month

Site coordinator support and resources for college application events in October

Why Host College Knowledge Month Events?

Michelle Mazanec, College and Career Specialist at Osseo Senior High School shares tips for organizing College Knowledge Month in October (13 minutes).

A list of where Minnesota students can apply for free throughout the year.


Who can participate: All Minnesota schools can participate in College Knowledge Month. College access programs that work within districts or charter schools can also participate! 

Site expectations: Sites interested in participating must devote time and space during the school day for college exploration activities for their students. Schools serving 12th grade students must include time and support for seniors to complete college applications during the month. Registered sites can participate at any point during the month of October. Sites are asked to complete a site coordinator survey after month concludes. Participating sites are eligible to be named a School of Excellence.

Social media hashtags: #MNGoesToCollege #IAppliedMN #WhyApply

Event Planning and Promotion

Ideas and tools from other Minnesota site coordinators.

Student worksheets and event materials, K-8 lesson plans.

Site coordinator training opportunities.

Promotional materials provided by Minnesota Goes to College: social media guide, October calendar, etc.

Additional Resources

For students and families: Tools and online resources for the college search and application process.

PowerPoint Presentations


College Fairs

Schools of Excellence

School of Excellence winners are selected by the American College Application Campaign (ACAC) based on their demonstrated commitment to student success and for serving as an exemplary model for their state’s college application campaign. Each year, ACAC works with designated coordinators in every state and the District of Columbia to host college application events and reach students in their schools and communities, encouraging and helping them to apply to college. 

Park Center Senior High School Named 2022 School of Excellence 

The American College Application Campaign (ACAC) is proud to honor Park Center Senior High School as a 2022 School of Excellence winner as part of Minnesota Goes to College events to increase the number of first-generation college students and students from low-income families pursuing a college degree or other higher education credential. Park Center Senior High School is one of 23 winners, a group of exemplary schools across the nation that are helping students pursue postsecondary success

Special recognition goes to Sara Schreiner, Park Center's Career Resource Specialist, for her work coordinating Minnesota Goes to College events to assist students with college applications and the financial aid process.

Nationally, 4.2 million students have been served by ACAC, and 7.3 million applications have been submitted since the Campaign began in 2005.

Ms. Schreiner, college and career specialist, and Ms. Hansen, college and career education support professional, kick off College Knowledge Month during lunchtime in October. Students played Bingo and College Mascot Match, and attended sessions in the Career Resource Center to win college gear and other prizes.
2022: Park Center High SchoolPlanning Ahead for Effective College Application Events, featuring Park Center High School
2021: Johnson High SchoolSamina Ali, School Counselor
2020: Burnsville High SchoolSite Coordinator Spotlight, Marcia Sexton, College and Career Specialist, Burnsville High School.
2019: Milaca High SchoolMary Hastings,  School Counselor