Decision Day Events
Site coordinator support and resources for celebrating students' post-high school decisions
Why Host Decision Day Events?
To help establish and/or build upon a culture of career and college-readiness in Minnesota and support our state's Educational Attainment Goal.
To provide necessary support to Minnesota students and families who have historically been underrepresented in the postsecondary education process.
To celebrate students' hard work and decision during their senior year of high school.
Who can participate: All Minnesota high schools and college access programs are encouraged to participate! Postsecondary institutions can also host decision day events at their institution to celebrate incoming students.
Site expectations: Sites plan celebratory event(s) for their seniors as they make post-high school decisions. Registered sites can participate at any point during the month of May; depending on the needs of their site and students.
Social media hashtags: #MNGoesToCollege #IDecidedMN #CollegeSigningDay @BetterMakeRoom
Registration: Register your event with Better Make Room.