Prayer Resources

Our hope is to gather and share prayer resources from a variety of faith traditions.
Please suggest additional resources here.


A Healthcare Worker's Blessing in the Time of COVID-19


Prayer, Reflection, and Action for Racial Justice (Ignatian Solidarity Network)
Novena for Racial Justice: July 10-19
A Parish Journey for Racial Justice and Equity: July 16, 3-4:30 PM ET
21-Day Ignatian Racial Equity Challenge: July 20-August 9

Called Together: Video Reflections from LUC Campus Ministry
10:00 a.m. Sundays

14-Day Virtual Retreat: "With Jesus in the Desert: A retreat for a time of isolation"

Australian Jesuit Prayer Site

USCCB President's Reflection and Prayer During Coronavirus (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Examen for Life During COVID-19 (Ignatian Solidarity Network)

Virtual Stations of the Cross (Busted Halo)

A Prayer Amid an Epidemic (America Magazine)

Morning/evening prayer, daily Mass readings and reflections (Magnificat)

Morning/evening prayer, daily Mass readings and reflections (Give Us This Day)

Recorded daily Examen (Narrated by Fr. Jack O'Callahan, Society of Jesus)

Examen for Those in Quarantine/Sheltering in Place (Ignatian Solidarity Network)

Litany of Trust (Sisters of Life)

A Meditation for the Anxious During COVID-19 (Society of Jesus)

“The Coronavirus Isn’t Everywhere. God is.” (The Jesuit Post)


Taize Prayer Service (The Well Spirituality Center)
(4/1 from 7-8 pm on Zoom)

"Where is God in a Pandemic?" (Fr. James Martin, S.J. in the NYT)


Blessing for the Washing of Hands

Pandemic: a Poem

Prayer for Physicians


Coming soon.