Advent 2020 Resources

Advent 2020: An Advent of Change

As a Jesuit, Catholic institution, our core mission and values lead us to not only participate in the work of anti-racism, but to lead the way. The Gospel is clear and now is the time to ensure that all voices are heard, especially voices which have historically been discounted, ignored, or silenced. We are called to listen to and amplify the voices of the marginalized and respond with humility, love, and action. 


The season of Advent in the Roman Catholic Church includes thematic celebrations and scripture readings in preparation for Christmas on December 25. One candle is lit each week to emphasize the theme of the week, and a white candle is lit on Christmas. This Advent, we invite each of us to consider how this season calls us to anti-racist actions and creating change in our systems and institutions. We are called to an Advent of Change.

Virtual Prayer Services and Masses

Immaculate Conception of Mary Holy Day Mass at Madonna della Strada Chapel - December 8, 2020, 12pm Central
Join us online or in-person for a festive Mass celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You may register to attend the Mass or you may watch it online. This year, the obligation to attend Mass on this Holy Day has been dispensed.

Immaculate Conception Mass at Old St. Pat's Church - December 8, 2020, 12pm Central
On this Holy Day, Old St. Patrick Church in Chicago will have a Livestream liturgy at 12 pm, featuring music and artwork celebrating Mary, immaculately conceived and courageously faithful to the call she received.

Homeless Persons' Memorial - December 15, 2020, 6:30pm Central
Until there are no longer people who die, homeless, we will remember and call out the names of those we have lost. Join this LiveStream experience, so that we may mourn and also pray in a spirit of hope that guides our work to end homelessness in Chicago and around the country. This program is offered by the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless and other local organizations and religious communities.

Advent Peace & Reconciliation Service at Old St. Pat's Chicago - December 16, 2020, 6pm Central
During this Advent Season, we “Wait in Joyful Hope” for the coming of our Lord, Jesus. And while the nights continue to get longer, we keep lighting our candles and reminding ourselves the God of peace is already present to us, even in our brokenness, our failings, and our woundedness. Join us for this evening prayer service to celebrate God’s mercy and stretch toward reconciliation within our families, our neighborhoods, and our cities.

Daily Reflection Resources

Daily Scripture Readings

Catholic Health Association of the United States (Daily reflections in video or text format)

Loyola Press Daily Reflection - Sign-up for a daily email sent to your inbox!

Virtual Posadas Daily Reflection, December 16-24 (from Ignatian Solidarity Network)

Other Advent Resources

Beginning of Advent: Back to our Senses | One-Minute Homily (Video, The Jesuit Post)
The Advent season has begun! Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on the fact that we aren’t so good at waiting, but God can use this time to shake us back to our senses and change our hearts. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 29, 2020.

2020 Advent Calendar (PDF, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Calendar presented by the USCCB containing information and reflections for the 2020 Advent season.

Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional centering voices of Black women (from UnBound)

Ignatian Spirituality Advent resources (Ignatian Spirituality, Loyola Press)

Advent Simplicity Challenge (Ignatian Solidarity Network)

Creativity & Healing in Advent (Ignatian Spirituality, Loyola Press)

Advent Examen (Ignatian Spirituality, Loyola Press)