Ministry Summer Programming

Please Note:
All groups will be run the weeks of June 1 to July 13.
All times listed are

Weekly Ministry Social
(Mondays, 12 noon)

Bring your lunch, drop-in, see who’s around, and catch-up.

Social Justice Book Club
(Mondays, 7:30 pm | June 1–July 13)

Needed so clearly in our world, this group will focus on exploring racial inequalities, examining the intersection of racism and other topics: housing inequality, medical research, and the criminal justice system. The books will guide our conversation, with openness to sharing other relevant resources and conversation on film, podcasts, and the like with one another. If you commit to the whole series, Ministry will supply the books for you. Book line-up includes:

- “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” by Matthew Desmond

- “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot

- “Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption” by Bryan Stevenson

ABSN Social Drop-In Sessions
(Tuesdays, 12-12:30p & 1-1:30p)

Yoga & Fitness Group
(Tuesdays, 7:00 pm)

A continuation of SWAG Yoga that was offered this spring, led by rising M2 Kathleen Osea. Drop-in every week or come when you can. Meeting ID: 919 3130 7474, Password: SWAG.

Creative Community
(Wednesdays, 1:00 pm)

Knit, puzzle, color, crochet, stitch, or sketch with others – sharing in conversation and sharing creations. B.Y.O. Project and enjoy intentional time to be creative in community. Come every week, or whenever you can. Bring any project ideas and we can discuss teaching one another a skill or craft.

Anatomy of the Self: A Workshop on Identity and Purpose
(Wednesdays, 5:30 pm | June 3–July 8)

Explore your identity, gifts, and purpose using tools useful for growing in self-awareness. Tools utilized will include the Enneagram, StrengthsFinder, Emotional Intelligence (EI), and Project Implicit. Our hope for participants is that they finish the six weeks more centered, empowered, filled with self-love, and with a greater understanding of one's unique contribution to make in the world. A 6-week commitment is requested in order to build intentional community and provide you with access to the tools. Email Ann Hillman at if interested.

Prayer Group
(Thursdays, 10:00 am)

This group will read a weekly Christian scripture using the practice of Lectio Divina ("divine reading"...a reflective, intentional way to listen to God's Word at work in the events of our lives), do some sharing, and have a time of reflection using a prayer technique or source from Ignatian Spirituality that is easily integrated into daily life. Come every week, or whenever you can.

Baking Hour
(Thursdays, 4:00 pm)

Get creative in the kitchen. Share recipes and try new things together. Recipes will be circulated one week before and on Monday the "week-of" as a reminder so you can gather supplies. Come every week or whenever you can.

Poetry Corner
(Fridays, 11:00 am)

A quiet place where you can share your favorite poems with others or share poems you have written, poems of nature, poems of insight, poems of protest, poems in Spanish or other languages with translations. Often we find poems that speak to us deeply, but have few or no one to share them with. This is the place to do exactly that. Please join us! Led by Fr. Mark Henninger, S.J.
Password: 924167

Weekly Guided Examen
(Fridays, 3:00 pm)

All are welcome to log on to this virtual, guided Ignatian Examen, led by various Jesuits, lay ministers, and others connected to the Jesuit family.

SSOM Book Club
(monthly meeting)

Led by rising M2s Anneka Johnston-Dumerauf ( and Ellen Murchie (, read popular titles and books decided on by group interest. They are open to new attendees, so please reach out to them!

Spiritual Direction – by appointment

Did you know the Health Sciences Campus has many Spiritual Directors who offer Spiritual Direction to the students, staff, or faculty of the campus community. You can find out more about this ministry here. If you’re curious to learn more and would attend an “info session” with others to hear more about how this spiritual practice could be for you, please email Ann Hillman ( and we’ll schedule a group session!

Click here to sign up!

Questions? Email us at