Beat Willy

Beaterman Files Filed

Mingo County, West Virginia. Local Mingo County hero and religious leader, William J. Beaterman has inspired a cultural revolution from beyond the grave through his neices and nephews' efforts to release The Beaterman Files Volume 1.

After accumulating untold wealth and professional prestige through developing medicinal and military-grade leech technologies, it was found that Beaterman had a secrect passion for writing spirituals and hymns. As per terms of his will and testament, upon his death the family member who sells the most copies of his musical compositions will be in line to inherit the entirety of the Beaterman estate, including Beaterman Farms.

The new release, from Beat Willy, will be available globally on April 10, 2021, and represent the crowning achievement of Beatermans artistic and philosophical endeavors. For more information, see the Beat Willy website at

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The single, "Sand", is available on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, and other online music services; live performances may be viewed on Beat Willy's Facebook page

Beaterman boys make good on promise to uncle

Mingo County, West Virginia. Upon his recent accidental alleged death, William J. Beaterman's wish was for his family to produce and promote his secret collection of musical compositions. His nephews, Laertes Eustatious Beaterman and Ebenezer Allistair Beaterman III, followed through on their uncle's apparent dying wish with the upcoming release of the extended 12-inch dance mix single, "Sand." On the official single release date, January 23, 2021, the duo, known as Beat Willy in honor of William, will have a live single release party on Facebook Live, to be viewed here. Fans may join the Beat Willy email list and order fine Beaterman Farms products on the website here.

The single, "Sand", is available on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, and other newfangled online music services. The band is also selling whiskey flasks, shower curtains, and the like at the Beaterman Farms Store. Below is a video representational preview of the song from the William Beaterman YouTube page.

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