Mingcong Zeng's page

This is Mingcong Zeng's homepage. Written in Chinese, my name is 曾鸣聪。
You can email me at mingcongzeng@gmail.com.

I work for Voleon as a researcher in London.
I was a mathematician working in algebraic topology.
If you are interested in my transition to the industry, please don't hesitate to contact me.


I worked with Gergely and Honglu on applying reinforcement learning to algebraic geometry (see Projects).

I worked in algebraic topology, specializing in chromatic and equivariant stable homotopy theory. My research focused on technical computations  (usually via spectral sequences), and the unexpected consequences and relations revealed by these computations.
Chromatic means you smash the object you are interested in into (colorful) pieces, study them, and then try your best to reassemble the pieces together.
Equivariant means you keep spinning the globe in your living room, and after an hour you realize that no matter how hard you spin it, the shape of the globe is more or less the same by looking at it from different angles.


Hironaka Game (with Gergely Bérczi and Honglu Fan). GitHub

Applying reinforcement learning (DQN and AlphaZero) to the Hironaka polyhedra game. The game gives a resolution of a singularity in a high-dimensional space.


      Accepted/Published papers:

      Submitted papers & preprints:


In Spring 2021, I taught a hybrid seminar/course on the Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel solution of the Kervaire invariant one problem.

In Spring 2020, Hana Jia Kong and I organized an online reading seminar on THH.

In Spring 2020, Gijs Heuts, Yuqing Shi, and I organized a masterclass on exotic spheres.

About Me