XiaoLin Danny Shi
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Washington.
Previously, I was a L.E. Dickson instructor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago, mentored by Peter May.
I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University in 2019, advised by Michael Hopkins.
My research interest is in algebraic topology, with a focus on equivariant homotopy theory and chromatic homotopy theory.
My CV is here (last updated March 2024).
Publications and Preprints
My papers are on my research page.
National Science Foundation Grant No. DMS-2404828 (2024-2027)
National Science Foundation Grant No. DMS-2313842 (previously DMS-2104844) (2021-2024)
Ph.D. Mathematics, Harvard University, 2019
S.B. Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
Department of Mathematics
University of Washington
4110 E Stevens Way NE, Padelford C-138
Seattle, WA 98195
Email: dannyshi(at)uw(dot)edu / dannyshixl(at)gmail(dot)com