Gergely Bérczi 

Department of Mathematics, 

Aarhus University,

 Ny Munkegade 118, bldg. 1530, 

DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark


I am an associate professor at Aarhus University and head of the Aarhus DFF Algebraic Geometry Group.

Before this, I spent 2 years at ETH Zürich in the group of Rahul Pandharipande and 9 years in Oxford working with Frances Kirwan. I obtained my PhD in 2008 under the supervision of András Szenes.  

I am currently partially funded by AUFF Starting Grant 29289 and DFF Grant 40296. 


From January - June 2024, I am co-organising a semester at the Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge on New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry. This includes a workshop on Singularity theory and hyperbolicity and a workshop on Moduli stack and enumerative geometry

I co-organise the Algebraic Geometry Session of the 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians 3-7 July 2023 in Aalborg, Denmark.

I co-organise a Swissmap workshop Enumerative geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points at the SwissMAP Research Station in Les Diablerets in January 2024.
