Site Analysis

Vehicular movement:

Existing bus routes

Existing auto rickshaw routes

The autorickshaw enters the site from the S.V. Road, often stopping at the junction to drop-off and pick-up passengers. They form four types of lines there; metered or sharing, and the ones going to North (Charkop and Borivali) or South (Malad and Kandivali). 

The buses enter from the S.V. Road and stop at the western end of the Bajaj Road to drop-off the commuters. The street there acts as a bus depot, where these incoming buses stop for a while. These then either move directly towards the Dr. Dalvi Road or go to the junction to pick up commuters.

Vehicular intensity in a day:

Peak hours during the morning and evening

Off-hours in the afternoon and late night

The map shows the stark difference between the pedestrian-vehicular traffic movement observed during the different times of the day. The junction between the Bajaj Road and Vasanji Lalji Road gets congested due to the incoming traffic from the S.V. Road during the peak hours of the day. This is  primarily because of the auto-rickshaws stopping at the junction to pick-up passengers and people walking on the junction.

Issues identified on the site:

Site delineation: