the Media and Information Literacy 

Content Hub

This MIL resource website aims to assist you if you are looking for resources regarding

Media and Information Literacy (MIL). 

Are you at school or university

and you want to understand where 'news' comes from? Or do you have questions about the social media you use: how safe is it? Or how you can better use your social media to share ideas and activities with friends and classmates?

Are you a teacher, or an educator 

planning for a project and want information about the mechanisms behind news and information, and social media? Do you need interactive class sessions about news, information, and social media? Are you looking for playful yet insightful activities for your classes about Media and Information Literacy? 

Are you an organisation that works with Media and Information

that advocates for freedom of speech, for the right to access information, for Internet safety, etc. and you are looking for campaign ideas based on Media and Information Literacy principles?    

The Media and Information Literacy Content Hub offers you a range of resources that will assist you with these questions. 

Choose your category underneath, and find a wealth of information and activities around current MIL topics!  

Upload corner! Click here

The MIL Content Hub is a two-way resource site

If you have material to share that has proven to be useful and effective and you think the MIL community might benefit from you sharing it, please use this link to the folder where you upload your material. 

The Content Hub administrator will give it the proper consideration for placement.
