APSIPA BioSiPS Workshop 2022
Date: Sep 5 (Mon) - 8 (Thu), 2022
Venue: Kitami City, Hokkaido, Japan
The workshop aims to promote and exchange recent advances in biomedical engineering research among technical committee members and provide opportunities of meeting and getting together among young researchers and students. The BioSiPS workshops so far were held in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2013, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, in 2014, in Shanghai, China in 2015, in Tokyo, Japan in 2016, in Gwangju, South Korea, in 2017, and in Pico, the Philippines in 2019.
Mathematical Informatics Lab, NAIST
Human & Process Systems Lab, Nagoya U
Organizing Committee:
General chair: Koichi Fujiwara (Nagoya U, APSIPA BioSiPS TC Chair)
Program co-chairs: Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST, BioSiPS TC Past Chair), Toshitaka Yamakawa (Kumamoto U, BioSiPS TC member)
Organizing co-chairs: Takashi Okumura (Kitami IT), Yoshihiko Hayakawa (Kitami IT)
Important Schedule
July 18 (tentative): Deadline for poster and presenter registration
July 30 (tentative): Deadline for hotel reservation with special rates
Registration fee:
Regular: 10,000 + optional dinners (2,500 for each)
Student (speaker): 10,000 + optional dinners (2,500 for each)
Student (local): Free
Program (updated on July 21)
September 5 at Kitami CCI
15 Opening (Koichi Fujiwara @ Nagoya U)
15:10-16:50 Oral session (30 min x 3)
Invited Talk 1: Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST) Adaptive AI-enabled robots to create a vibrant society
Invited Task 2: Tomoya Tamei (Ritsumeikan U) Gaussian Process latent variable models, assist-as-needed and their applications to human-robot interaction
Invited Talk 3: Yuichi Sakumura (NAIST)
17 Departure for Oehonke at Sanjo
19-21 Dinner at Oehonke
September 6 at Onneyu Onsen Welfare Center
9-11:30 Oral session (30 min x 5)
Invited Talk 4: Kazuhiro Sakamoto (Tohoku M&P U, Tohoku U) The brain beyond machine learning - perspectives from neurophysiology and computational neuroscience of higher brain functions
Invited Talk 5: Koichi Fujiwara (Nagoya U) Relationship between sleep and health
Invited Talk 6: Yoshihiko Hayakawa (Kitami IT) Computer assisted radiology and surgery
Invited Talk 7: Sharif Ullah (Kitami IT) Realizing complex shapes using 3D printing technology
11:30-13 Lunch & Free discussion
13:30-15:45 Poster session
斎藤 樹 (名古屋大): タイトル深層学習を用いた頭皮脳波に基づくウエスト症候群の長期予後予測
伊達 俊坪 (名古屋大): レム睡眠行動障害におけるデルタ・ガンマ帯域パワー値は夢内容行動化と関連する
西村 虎太郎 ジェームス (NAIST): SVM boundary correction by local density of sample distribution
野口 碧生 (熊本大): 飲酒による神経学的変化時の心拍変動の差分分析
小枝 正汰 (名古屋大): 睡眠ポリグラフ検査に基づくうつ病と双極性障害の鑑別アルゴリズムの開発
北川 拓磨 (熊本大): 血中酸素飽和度と心拍数を用いて低酸素トレーニングを管理するウェアラブル機器専用アプリケーションの検討
大槻 寿英 (熊本大): CT血管造影検査におけるテスト造影ピーク時間の推定手法を検討
Riza Rae Pineda (NAIST): A computer vision approach towards the analysis of social interaction among multiple monkeys
鈴木 健太 (NAIST): 呼気ガスを用いたNASHとその関連疾患診断の検討
16:00-16:30 Oral session (30 min x 1)
Invited Talk 8: Toshitaka Yamakawa (Kumamoto U): 医工連携でwell-being
17:30-20 Workshop dinner
September 7 Friend Labs Day at Kitami IT
8:30 Departure at Oehonke
9:45-11:45 Lab Introduction (15 min x 6)
Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST)
Kenta Suzuki (NAIST)
Koichi Fujiwara (Nagoya U)
Toshitaka Yamakawa (Kumamoto U)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto (Tohoku M&P U, Tohoku U)
Tomoya Tamei (Ritsumeikan U)
11:45-12 Oral session (30 min x 1)
Special Talk 1: 近藤寛子 (北見工大): 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いたヘム結合ポケットの構造とヘムの分子構造の相関の解析
12-12:30 Lab Introduction (15 min x 1)
Takashi Okumura (Kitami IT)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:45 Lab Tour @ Kitami IT
地域と歩む防災研究センター SAFER 見学
旧ばんえい競馬場 見学
15:45-16 Lab Introduction (15 min x 1)
Manuel Shoriu Torres-Matsumoto (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
16-17 Oral session (30 min x 2)
Special Talk 2: Ken Yokawa (Kitami IT): Anesthesia and Plants: why plants are succumbed by anesthetics
Special Talk 3: Abhijeet Ravankar (Kitami IT): On service robots and AI applications
18-20 Banquet
September 8
8-11 Closing & Free discussion (Kazushi Ikeda @ NAIST)
11 Departure
Travel Info:
KIX 9:20 (MM121) 11:25 MMB
HND (ADO077/ANA4777) 13:00 MMB
CTS (JAL2715) 13:40 MMB
OKD (JAL2721) 11:05 MMB
MMB 12:05 (MM122) 14:35 KIX
MMB 13:40 (ADO078/ANA4866) HND
MMB 14:25 (JAL2714) CTS
MMB 11:35 (JAL2720) OKD