APSIPA BioSiPS Workshop 2019

Date: Aug 27 (Tue) - 29 (Thu), 2019

Venue: Pico de Loro Sands Hotel, Luzon Island, the Philippines

The workshop aims to promote and exchange recent advances in biomedical engineering research among technical committee members and provide opportunities of meeting and getting together among young researchers and students. The first BioSiPS workshop was held in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2013, the second in Rajshahi, Bangladesh, in March 2014, the third in Shanghai, China in June 2015, the fourth in Tokyo, Japan in July 2016, and the fifth in Gwangju, South Korea, in July 2017.


General chair: Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST, APSIPA BioSiPS TC Chair)

Program cochairs: Takatomi Kubo (NAIST, BioSiPSTC member), Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT, APSIPA Board-of-Governors)

Organizing chair: Jaymar Soriano (UPD, BioSiPSTC member)

Important Schedule

July 20 July 27 (extended): Deadline for poster and presenter registration

July 30: Deadline for hotel reservation with special rates


Registration site (Google form)

Registration fee:

Regular 13,000 PHP

Student 10,400 PHP

(The registration fee includes banquet meal on the culmination night of the workshop. Banquet fee for an accompanying person is 1,150 PHP. Contact kazushi@is.naist.jp in advance.)

Registration is closed.


August 26

Arrival to Pico

August 27

Venue: Oblation Longue, University Hotel, University of the Philippines-Diliman

8 am Pico to University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City (Transportation offered)

11 am Welcome reception and friend labs at the University Hotel, UP Diliman

    • Biomedical Electronics Lab, Kumamoto Univ, JP
    • Biosignal Informatics Lab, Tokyo Univ. Agriculture and Technology, JP
    • Cao Lab, Saitama Institute of Technology, JP
    • Computational Biology Lab, NAIST, JP
    • Computational Systems Biology Lab, NAIST, JP
    • Mathematical Informatics Lab, NAIST, JP
    • Department of Computer Science/Scientific Computing Laboratory, UPD, PH
    • Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Group, UPD, PH
    • MAPUA University, PH

1 pm Lab Tour at UPD and AdMU

    • Department of Computer Science
    • National Institute of Physics
    • Philippine Genome Center
    • Ateneo de Manila University

5:30 pm Back to Pico (Transportation offered)

August 28

Venue: Alegria Function Hall, Pico de Loro Country Club

1-5 pm Oral session

    • Prof. Johnrob Bantang (NIP, UP Diliman, PH): Dynamical sources of power law burst distributions and response defects in connected neurons (60 min)
    • Prof. Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT, JP): Music familiarity affects brain response (60 min)

Session break (15 min)

    • Prof. Toshitaka Yamakawa (Kumamoto U, JP): Implantable Multi-modality Probe for Subdural Simultaneous Measurement of Electrophysiology, Hemodynamics, and Temperature Distribution (45 min)
    • Prof. Tomoko Aoki (PU Kumamoto, JP): Motor function and motor control in individual fingers in human (45 min)

6-9 pm Poster session (Cocktail style)

Please set-up your posters on 3ft x 2ft flipchart boards before 8:00 PM.

August 29

Venue: Alegria Function Hall, Pico de Loro Country Club

9:15-11:45 am Oral session

    • Prof. Jun Yoshimoto (NAIST IS, JP): Whisker movements in mice could be a facial expression of reward processing (45 min)

Session break (15 min)

    • Prof. Yuichi Sakumura (NAIST BS, JP): Computational Estimation of Biochemical Interactions from Time Series of Membrane Potential (45 min)
    • Prof. Naoaki Ono (NAIST DSC, JP): Unsupervised Cell Phenotype Clustering of Pathological Images of Pancreatic Tumor Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network (45 min)

Lunch break (lunch buffet offered)

1:30-4:30 pm Oral session

    • Prof. Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo: Augmented Reality Games for Museum Learning (60 min)

Session break (15 min)

    • Prof. Katsuyuki Kunida (NAIST BS, JP): Extraction of biomolecular signals controlling complex cellular behavior based on reverse correlation analysis (45 min)
    • Prof. Keiichi Yasumoto (NAIST IS, JP): Sensing human behaviors in homes and cities (45 min)

6 pm Banquet

August 30

Departure from Pico

Related event: NAIST official visit to AdMU.



Pico Sands Hotel offers huge discount for all workshop participants. Please find pictures of rooms below. Please email the following details:

(1) Name of guests, (2) Dates of stay, (3) Room type

to the property reservations team: reservations@picosandshotel.com

(cc: jbsoriano@up.edu.ph).

Please indicate that you will be participating in the APSIPA BioSiPS Workshop 2019 to avail the special discounted rates strictly until July 30, 2019 only.

Travel Info:

Nearest Airport: Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA)

From airport arrival bay, take a taxi or Grab car to Pico Sands Hotel. It would be advisable to install Grab application on your mobile phone for ease. Transport could cost up to P2,000 pesos for a 2 or 3-seater ride.

Facilities and Activities at Pico Country Club