AI in Life Sciences (AROB2022 & APSIPA BioSiPS Mobility Data Acquisition)

Date: January 26 (Wed) - 27 (Thu), 2022

Venue: B-con Plaza, Beppu City

Purpose: Share our knowledge and exchange our ideas on AI in Life Sciences.

Organizers: Mathematical Informatics Lab, NAIST, APSIPA BioSiPS TC

Sponsor: APSIPA BioSiPS TC


The organized session invites specialists on machine learning, systems science, and data measurement for biological data. We share our knowledge and exchange our ideas, in order to promote AI techniques for life sciences including cognitive science and clinical science.

Time Table:

[Jan 25]

13:30-17:00 Data Acquisition at Takasakiyama Monkey Park

[Jan 26]

9:00-17:00 Data Acquisition at Takasakiyama Monkey Park

9:00-9:15 Opening, Kazushi Ikeda

9:15-10:45 Panel Discussion for AROB OS

  • Kazushi Ikeda and his students

  • Koichi Fujiwara and his students

  • Toshitaka Yamakawa and his students

11:00-11:50 AROB Plenary Speech

13:15-14:45 Meeting for APSIPA-ASC OS from BioSiPS TC

  • Kazushi Ikeda and his students

  • Koichi Fujiwara and his students

  • Toshitaka Yamakawa and his students

15:00-15:50 AROB Plenary Speech

[Jan 27]

9:00-12:00 AROB OS: AI in Life Sciences

  • OS3-1 Predicting Time-to-Event of Depression Relapse from Daily Activity Lifelog, Felan Carlo Garcia, Aran Tajika, Toshi Furukawa, Kazushi Ikeda, Junichiro Yoshimoto

  • OS3-2 The classification of PAC based machine learning in West syndrome for prediction of long term prognostic, Tatsuki SAITO, Koichi FUJIWARA, Jun NATSUME, Ryosuke SUZUI

  • OS3-3 Ayur-informatics-Establishing ligands for Schizophrenic receptors from ayurvedic medicinal herbs, Preenon Bagchi, RUSHIKESH SHELKE, Shylesh Murthy IA

  • OS3-4 Negative Emotion Recognition using Multimodal Physiological Signals for Driving Automation Systems, Tomoaki Yamamoto, Chie Hieida, Takatomi Kubo, Junichiro Yoshimoto, Kazushi Ikeda

  • OS3-5 A Computer Vision Approach Towards the Analysis of Social Interaction Among Multiple Monkeys, Riza Rae Pineda, Takatomi Kubo, Masaki Shimada, Kazushi Ikeda


  • OS4-3 Epigenetic Regulations, Motif And Pathway Identification Of Myelofibrosis Chip Sequences, Preenon Bagchi, Sravani Sane, Shylesh Murthy IA, Anuradha M

  • OS5-1 Development of an Epileptic Seizure Prediction Algorithm Using R-R Intervals with Self-attentive Autoencoder, Rikumo Ode, Koichi Fujiwara, Miho Miyajima, Toshitaka Yamakawa, Manabu Kano, Taketoshi Maehara

  • OS5-2 Relationships between Environmental Sound and Sleep Quality Based on Sleep Spindles, Shota Saeda, Koichi Fujiwara, Yukiyoshi Sumi, Hiroshi Kadotani

  • OS5-3 Development and Validation of an Optimal Attachment Position Choice System for a Patch Type Wireless R-R Interval Telemeter, Aoi Noguchi, Mayu Nishio, Toshitaka Yamakawa

  • OS5-4 Changes in cognitive skills and heart rate variability associated with playing esports, Toshihide Otsuki, Kazuki Hisatsune, Toshitaka Yamakawa

  • OS5-5 Establishing the Taxa with Phylogenetic profile and in-silico-ayurvedic remedy of Microbiome of Bacterial Vaginosis, Preenon Bagchi, Geethashree S, Shylesh Murthy IA, Anuradha M

  • OS5-6 To Identify Taxa and Functional Pathway Information Of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microbiome And High Throughput Simulation Studies With Mycobacteriophage, Preenon Bagchi, Divya Verma, Shylesh Murthy IA, Anuradha M

12:00 Closing and group photos