End of power

(22 May 2021)

Prof. Moises Naim's book "End of power" offered a wide perspective on how power structures are changing in our societies. I really enjoyed the book. According to Moises “in the 21st century, power is easier to get, harder to use – and easier to lose", and he backs up his claim with a number of statistics and insights. Indeed it seems that such change is active - for example business leaders and governments change more rapidly than previously. And the change may be simultaneously occuring in politics, busineses as well as other sectors. Moises identifies three key issues driving the change: more, mobility and mentality. More knowledge, people, opportunities and wealth combined with increased mobility of ideas and people with a non-constrained mentality can provide new rivals and challenges to existing power structures. What this practically means is that power may not not only distribute in new ways, but may also be decay since it is distributed in new ways and among wider number of actors. After reading this book I feel like it is easier for me to analyze the happenings of today's world.