22-26 May 2023, Crete, Greece

"The 10th Microquasar Workshop: the various facets of extreme gravity" will be held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, on 22-26 May 2023. 

It is the tenth in a series of conferences mainly devoted to microquasars, but also covering relativistic jet sources in a broader context. 

The conference will be in person. It will take place at the five-star sea-side resort Kalimera Kriti (Good morning Crete), in the area of Sissi, about 40 km east of the Heraklion airport. The number of participants cannot exceed 150, because of the size of the conference room. Precedence is given to people who have filled-in the pre-registration form. Note that Crete is a very popular tourist destination, therefore we strongly recommend that you book your flight and hotel as soon as possible.  In late May, there are direct flights to Heraklion from many European cities.

Like in the precedent Microquasar Workshops, the aim is to gather theorists, observers, and specialists of the field, discussing the latest results and reviewing the current state of our understanding of the physics of the various compact objects (BH, NS, WD) in the context of recent missions devoted to transient sources (such as IXPE, NICER, HXMT, MeerKAT, ASKAP, ASTROSAT, etc). Large dedicated times will be devoted to the following specific points:

- Multi-wavelength observations:  broad-band SED, spectroscopy, polarimetry

- Accretion-ejection connection

- Outflows (jets, winds)

- Formation, evolution, and merging

- Timing properties

- Theory/modeling/simulations


The scientific program will be organized in morning and afternoon sessions, including invited reviews, contributed talks, posters, and time for discussion. 

This workshop is co-organised by Prof. N. Kylafis and Dr. P.O. Petrucci.

Important Dates:

The registration desk will be open on Sunday, 21 May 2023, at the hotel conference from 18:00 to 20:00pm, on Monday 22 before the conference starts, as well as during the coffee breaks