R packages


The functions in the microclima package contain tools for modelling the mechanistic processes that govern fine-scale variation in temperature. It includes tools for determining local variation in temperature arising from variation in radiation, wind speed, altitude, surface albedo, coastal influences and cold air drainage. A series of functions for determining the fine-scale topographic and vegetation effects on wind speed and radiation are also provided. It also includes tools for deriving canopy cover, leaf architecture, surface albedo and cold air drainage basins from digital elevation data and aerial imagery.

The R package can be installed from https://github.com/ilyamaclean/microclima

Function help files and a guide to running the models are available here.


The functions in the ecoyhdrotools package contain tools for modelling fine-scale hydrological processes. It includes tools for delineating basins, calculating flow accumulation and velocity and for calculating evapotranspiration at daily our hourly intervals, using high resolution microclimate sand digital elevation data as inputs. It also includes functions for downscaling rainfall and generating synthetic series of sub-daily rainfall, consistent with daily totals, by applying the Bartlett_lewis rectangular pulse model.

The package can be installed from https://github.com/ilyamaclean/ecohydrotools

*NB This package is currently under development. Some functions have not been fully tested and additional functionality will be added shortly

We are also working on integrating microclima with the NicheMapR package described here.

This will enable fine-resolution grids of microclimate to be generated for anywhere in the world in a fully automated way. Watch this space.

Key references

Maclean IMD, Mosedale JM, Bennie JJ (2018) Microclima: An R package for modelling meso- and microclimate. Methods Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–11. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13093