There is a reason that states like Florida and others, especially in the Old Confederacy, do not like to be reminded of how widespread scourge of white supremacy was in their socieities: it was and is so very deeply ugly and misinformed. Politicians like Ron DeSantis don't want us to know the truth.

The legacy of slavery plagues the South and the United States more generally. As discussed in the Zombie, the tragedy of a compassionate and thoughtful person like Lincoln being replaced by Andrew Johnson, his vice president, can never be underestimated:

In his December 1867 annual message to Congress, Johnson insisted that blacks possessed less "capacity for government than any other race of people. No independent government of any form has ever been successful in their hands. On the contrary, wherever they have been left to their own devices they have shown a constant tendency to relapse into barbarism." (From Eric Foner's Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, p. 180.)

This is the attitude that the white Republican legislature of Mississippi is imposing on the blackest city in the United States, Jackson. The legislature wants to resegregate Jackson by allowing the white section of the town to seceed from the City. By doing so, these guys know that they'll be furthering impoverish a the black community whose ancestors they enslaved.  

Critical Race Theory is not some sort of anti-white boogie. It's the assertion (and proof) that race is a factor in pretty much all elements of American life, and maybe the life of other societies as well. But, because white supremacy was an avowed ideology of the country that seceded from the United States and then was forced to return without ever silencing those ideas, the supremacy doctrine and its many variant remains a potent and ugly force in this country. 

This is another example of how willing and eager so many folks are to minimize what slavery actually was! What does "involuntary relocation" mean? Is it similar to being detoured when your in a hurry and road work means that you have to "involunrarily relocate" to another road?! No! It means, "If you don't do what we want, we're gonna kill you, assuming that you made it across the Atlantic Ocean after being chained on top of another 2-5 human beings for six weeks."

'A group of educators in Texas proposed referring to slavery as “involuntary relocation” in second-grade classes — before being rebuffed by the State Board of Education.

The nine educators made up one of many groups tasked with advising the Texas board on changes to the social studies curriculum, which would affect the state’s almost 9,000 public schools.'

I could probably post 50-100 articles documenting the workings of white supremacy on any day...and I just might to demonstrate the pervasiveness of this virus. It's the Omicron of ideologies!

These creeps made a special point of coming to the place where 'the first battles of the American Revolution were fought to show the world the kind of ignorant slave nation that want to install in the US:

'Dozens of white supremacists marched through Boston on Saturday.

'The group wore white masks and were seen boarding Orange Line trains at Haymarket Station. Some carried police shields and flags.

'They are members of a group called Patriot Front.'