
Yikes! Who knew?! In order to protect the sensitivities of fragile white people, like this one single parent who got a principal fired because s/he is convinced that "there's no racism anywhere in the United States!" Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up.

From the article:

"Obviously, in a state that has already passed anti-Critical Race Theory legislation that dropped requirements for educators to teach the works of Martin Luther King Jr., and that the Ku Klux Klan was “morally wrong,” among other things, Whitfield is looking at an uphill battle to be elected onto the board."

As far as I'm concerned, we cannot get enough of these direct frontal assaults on white supremacy and Jim Crow 2.0, a national movement with international implications galore. (Check out white supremacy in Putin's Russia, for example.) I don't know that much about Gary Chambers outside of this statement, but, boy, do I approve this ad!

Like a huge number of people, I've read a lot of Grisham and one can see from this article that he's had his own struggle with and victory over the Zombie.

This article has been removed from behind the Times' paywall; so, you should have no trouble reading it and, perhaps, sharing it as well.