High School Students

Permission slips MUST be returned by April 6, 2022

We are still looking for an Ag Day committee, if you are interested, please contact Trenton Strong or Sophia Ganley.

Each student will be given a T-shirt they must wear for the day, this shirt will be returned at the end of the day as well. 

Tour Guides

Students will be acting as tour guides or station helpers. Students will report to the AG Day area at 7:30 when school begins, and will conclude at 1:30, you then will return to class. It is expected that you conduct yourself in an appropriate manner to act as a role model for the elementary school students. If you do not follow these rules you may be asked to return to class. Students are responsible for any missed classwork. 

Heavy Equipment

Along with AG Day, May 12th is Drive Your Tractor to School Day. Equipment MUST arrive at school before 6:45 AM. Posters about your piece of equipment are required to participate. You must stay at your tractor at all times and be prepared to teach the elementary students about them. High school students are not to touch other students equipment, failure to do so may result in being sent back to class. 


Students bringing animals will have to arrive by 6:45 AM. Animals are not allowed to be left unattended. Students will need to make an informational poster about their animals and be willing to interact with the elementary students. It is required to provide a pen or enclosure for each animal, these can be set up the day before. Students and animals will be dismissed around 1:45.