
Pathway Classes

Pathway classes consist of three required courses. 

Introduction  to Agriculture

Students have the opportunity to explore agricultural leadership, animal science, plants, agricultural engineering, and environmental and natural resource management. This class meets the Personal Financial Literacy requirement.


Horticulture is a class where you learn about the cultivation of plants as well as growing and taking care of them. Students are also taught to make different kinds of floral arrangements. There are also plant and rose sales that are ran by students teaching them many different skills. Most of the plants are grown in the greenhouses by the students themselves. 


There is Pre-Vet Large and Pre-Vet Small courses.  For a complete pathway Intro to Ag, Pre-Vet Large, and Pre-Vet Small need to be taken.  Pre-Vet Small Animal Care provides basic knowledge and skills needed to care for small animals. Pre-Vet Large is the same however caring for large animals. Students learn about different careers in these fields while having hands on opportunities. 

Agricultural Mechanics

In this pathway Intro to Ag is not required as a prerequisite.  The pathway includes Engine and Power 1 & 2 and Advanced Mechanics. Students study the operation, maintenance , and repair of two- and four-cycle small and multi cylinder engines. Engine and Power 2 includes the same with small and large engines and electric motors. Students use troubleshooting, failure analytics, hydraulics, cutting and welding in this pathway. 

Agriculture Electives

To have these classes a certain amount of people need to sign up.

Forestry/Wildlife Management

Students develop skills in wildlife identification/management, soil and water conservation, forest ecology/management, aquaculture, and outdoor recreation. 

Horse Care and Management

Students study different careers, anatomy, breeds and judging, reproduction, feeding, diseases and lameness, stable planning, safety and maintenance of equipment, and business management of horses. 

 Wood and Metal Structures

Students gain experiences in the construction of wood and metal structures. Skills include planning, designing, drawing, and assembly of structures. Safety is a vital part of of this course. Students develop skills in woodworking and metalworking.