
Do NOT pay to receive a scholarship.  Do not give credit card information or social security number. 

Check MCPS and Magruder Scholarship database often for updates.

Scholarship List (2021-2022)

Scholarship Search Sites - Click Here

MCPS Local Scholarship Database - Click Here

Click here for local scholarships. 

Magruder Scholarships - These scholarships will be opened in the Spring 2023

If you live within the boundary of Senator Nancy King’s district, you can apply to this scholarship. Applications must be submitted to the Career Center by April 30th, 2023. To see if you live within her district, check here.

If you live within the boundary of Senator Ben Kramer's district, you can apply to this scholarship. Applications must be submitted to the Career Center by April 17th, 2023. To see if you live within his district, check here. 

If you live within the boundary of Delegate Stewart's district, you can apply to this scholarship. Applications must be submitted by June 1st, 2023. To see if you live within his district, check here. 

Newman Charitable Fund will provide two $5,000 scholarships to Magruder graduating seniors who have done significant volunteer service. Consideration will go especially to students who have contributed to hunger relief and animal care.  

Application Deadline: April 29th, 2023

*Please make a copy of the document and share with Mr. McCray @

This fund was established in January 2008 by her family soon after Nicole was involved in a fatal car accident. This fund provides scholarships and educational opportunities for individuals graduating from Colonel Zadok Magruder High School. A scholarship of $2,500, renewable for 3 subsequent years, will be awarded to a graduating Senior from Colonel Zadok Magruder. Total possible award is $10,000 over four years.

Application Deadline: April 20th, 2023


In honor of Pfc. Justin R. Davis (Class of 2005), a scholarship in the amount of $1,500 will be awarded to multiple students to help pay for expenses related to their initial year of education following graduation from Magruder High school.

Application Deadline: May 19th, 2022

Submit your application and all supporting materials to: Mr. McCray in the Magruder Career Center.

Please download a PDF copy of the form from the link and submit your PDF form. 

*Please make a copy of the document and share with Mr. McCray @

The mission of the Royster Family Scholarship is to advance, assist, and support Black/African-American students in the pursuit of higher education.

Application Deadline: May 5th, 2023

Chris Matthews (Class of 1994), played 4 years of Varsity Soccer @ Magruder. This fund was established to provide financial support to offset a portion of college costs for deserving "Unsung Hero" soccer players.

Application Deadline: May 2nd, 2023

To honor him and to share the love he had for teaching and coaching, the family would like to award the Coach Andy Sidorick Memorial Scholarship to the first recipient this Spring of 2022.

Application Deadline: May 2nd, 2023

Applicants must be current seniors and must have participated in a varsity sport during their senior year.

Application Deadline: May 2nd, 2023

This scholarship is to award a Magruder senior who is the first generation in his/her family to attend college.


• A graduating senior at Magruder High School

• Will be attending a 2-year or 4-year college in the Fall

• Have a CGPA >3.0

• Essay: What a college degree means to me? (Please attach your essay)

• Deadline: 

Resources for Undocumented Students - Click Here


Check out these additional databases of scholarships and fellowships available for undocumented young people:

Scholarship for Hispanic Students - Click Here

Scholarship for African American Students - Click Here

Nominations are now being taken for Posse Scholars! The Posse Foundation partners with colleges & universities across the country to provide full 4-year scholarships for students. Nominations are for 11th Grade students who exhibit leadership abilities. If you are a Junior and feel as though you meet this criteria, please reach out to your Counselor in order to be considered.

Students will need to go through a series of interviews and if chosen, are a part of a pre-collegiate program.

The following colleges & universities partner with Posse, D.C.: Bucknell University, Lafayette College, University of Rochester, Sewanee: University of the South, University of Wisconsin - Madison.

QuestBridge matches students with top colleges and universities and provides them with scholarships to attend their partnered college and universities. Please see link for more information on how you can apply and for more information on requirements. The application will open later this summer!