College Information & Planning

College: A Door to the Future

Thinking about going to college? Not sure where to go or where to start?

One of the services of the College & Career Center is to help students search schools which may be a good match for them in terms of majors, size, location, services, extracurriculars and finances. Some services we offer include:

  • Conferences with students and/or parents

  • College and financial aid computer searches

  • College representative visits to Magruder HS

  • Information about college fairs

  • NCAA information

  • Financial aid workshop at Magruder HS

  • Links to virtual college tours and presentations

  • College & Career Center notices via Naviance emails

These students thought they could not go to college because of the obstacles they faced...cost, grades, responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed. Sound familiar? Visit this website to hear their stories:

American College Application Campaign’s College Research Worksheet

Downloadable guide to help students understand match, fit, and cost when researching colleges and identifying to which colleges they want to apply. (from

Please take the time to answer the following questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. Write in complete sentences, where appropriate. Your counselor will use this information to write your letter of recommendation. If you have a significant summer experience, please give an addendum to your counselor in September.

Please submit this form before the end of the semester.

To help your senior’s counselor compose his/her letter of recommendation, please write information below that you think is important for them to be aware of. Consider personal attributes or experiences that your child has had that the counselor may not be aware of to include specific examples. Bragging is always welcome!

Don't miss any step of the application process. Use this to help you get organized.

Magruder College Application Organization Spreadsheet

You are applying to multiple schools, use this tool to help you get organized with all the different requirements!

Seniors! Before we can send out your transcripts, you need to sign Magruder's FERPA form. This form gives Magruder permission to send out your documents! Click here to fill out the form: