College Visits at Magruder

College Representative Virtual Visits
Visits will be done remotely and accessed via a link shared in Naviance. Students sign up for each visit through their Naviance account.

LEARN about Upcoming College Visits all Visits are Posted in Naviance:

  1. Open Naviance. Cick here

  2. Log into your Naviance Student Account using the link (If you need help with your password, please email your counselor or Ms. Yang)

  3. Once you've logged in, scroll down to What's New or click the “Show more” link to view additional visits.

4. Once you're scrolled through the visits, select “Register Now” for those you would like to attend.

Note: From the College Visits page, you will now be able to attend virtual visits for colleges offering them (Colleges > Research Colleges > College Visits).

Please note: Virtual visits are visits that will be done remotely and accessed via a link shared in Naviance. The virtual event link will be active 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.

College Representatives Contact List

The below list contains email information of some of the college reps that cover Magruder HS. Students can send emails to ask questions about the colleges.

College Rep Contact List