Career Exploration

Not sure of what you want to do after high school to earn a living or what to major in when you get to college ? Are you weighing going to college vs. entering the work field?

We know that these are not easy questions to answer and some people spend many years doing this type of self-exploration. Your College/Career Information Coordinator can assist you through this process. They will help you get organized, guide you through this process, and answer any questions you may have.

Career Exploration

Explore careers, watch videos of professionals in their field, and more

Comprehensive tool for career exploration and job analysis; great resource and lots of info!

Explore careers; see how others made their choices

Occupational Outlook Handbook; great resource for in-depth career information

Montgomery College's Career Coach; great resource and free to use; explore careers, take an assessment, create a resume, and more!


For those of you interested in exploring military options, your CCIC can help. Many of the same trades and programs you are studying here at Edison are also available in the military. Come to the College/Career Center to start exploring.

MCPS website with information about the military

Explore & learn more about military careers