Privacy Policy

Muswell Hill Primary School PSA Committee Privacy Policy

In Compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Muswell Hill Primary School Parents & Staff Association, or PSA, is a registered charity that works for the benefit of the school and its students. If you have a child at the school or work at the school you are a member. The “trustees” of the charity are the parents who form the PSA Committee, including the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The link between the Committee and the parents is facilitated by the Class Reps, who volunteer for this role and are essential members of the PSA.

Information we Hold

We process personal information to enable us to run events for the school community to participate, support and enjoy, and also to raise funds to support the children’s education.

In order for the Committee to operate effectively with PSA members and pupils both currently attending Muswell Hill Primary School or those looking to join in the following school year (eg parents whose children are joining Reception in the following school year), we facilitate the collection of the following information for the benefit of the parents in the class:

· A contact email address of the parents

· Parents’ names and home address (for example when promoting an event via estate agent boards)

· Parents’ telephone numbers

· Names and Class/School Year of pupils

This information is collated into a ‘contact list’ then passed on to the Class Reps, who then distribute and maintain the information for the class, and pass the responsibility for maintaining it on to other parents in the class when they become Class Reps. We do not receive information about parents or students from the school, and we do not hold these class lists once they are passed to the Class Reps. If someone wishes to be removed from this list they should ensure that the other parents in the class know and the Class Reps know so they can update the list.

In addition, in the course of organising events we may collect the following information if relevant:

· A contact email address of the parents

· Parents’ names and home address (for example when promoting an event via estate agent boards)

· Parents’ telephone numbers

· Names and Class/School Year of pupils

· A record of payment made for our events

The information is collected;

· Via our Class Representatives – who are a vital link in the school between parents, the Staff and the PSA

· Via the PSA Committee members

· Via email, text message or telephone contact

· Via paper / form and leaflets

· Via our Website

Deleting your data

The information is kept during the time that parents (PSA members) have children in the School and/or during the time required to organise and enable pupils and parents attend and participate in our events. If a parent wishes to be removed from the PSA Committee general database, we will delete their information on request immediately. This can be done easily by emailing the Committee at

The Committee does not hold class ‘contact list’ details centrally, if a parent wishes to be deleted from this list they should request that the Class Rep removes them from the current list.

Sharing Data

We will not share personal data with any external company or third party, without your express prior consent. If you have consented we will only share your personal data with other trusted third parties, for example, external event organisers so they have details of participants and emergency contact details, or the estate agents that kindly sponsor our events each year so that they can use that information to install their boards at parents’ home address and/or contact parents directly if there are any difficulties.

We will never pass on pupil details to other companies or sell this data to third parties. We will only keep the data for our own records and to enable us to send you information that will be relevant to you and your child.

If you sign up for Gift Aid, we will share this information only as required in order to collect the Gift Aid.

Purpose Limitation and Data Minimisation

We will only process data for the purpose in which it was collected, i.e. to enable us to raise money for the school and to run events within the school community. We only collect and process necessary information. We will retain your personal data in accordance with data protection laws and will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary.

On request, or when as soon as we are informed/aware pupils have left Muswell Hill Primary School, your data will be deleted.

Individual Rights

The GDPR includes the following rights for individuals: the right to be informed; the right to access; the right to rectification; the right to erasure; the right to restrict processing; the right to data portability; the right to object; and the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority for data protection matters. In the UK, this would be the Information Commissioners’ Office ( Alternatively, you may seek a remedy though local courts if you believe your rights have been breached.

Subject Access Requests

If you wish to request access to the data we hold for you or your child, we have 40 days to comply. We will send you the information we have and transcripts of any emailed conversation with you as far as we can go. PSA committee will charge for requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive.

If the PSA Committee refuse a request, we must tell the individual why and that they have the right to complain. We must do this without undue delay and at the latest, within one month.

Integrity and Confidentiality

Information is held by PSA committee members. Information is held on their computer, email accounts or on secure servers all of which are protected by a password. This means that the data we hold about you is stored confidentially and is only made available to members of the Committee.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on our website so we can keep you informed how we process your personal data.

This Privacy Policy was updated on 24 May 2018, and last updated 28 October 2018.