Executive Committee 

The executive committee (or PSA trustees) are responsible for making sure the PSA does what it was set up to do. 

Decisions about how to raise funds and how to spend them are considered by the trustees and approved by a voting process, usually in face-to-face meetings on a monthly basis, but also more frequently by electronic communication if needed.

The committee is made up of the Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and up to 6 members from parents/carers or staff. The Chair, Secreatry and Treasurer must be elected by simple majority in the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the rest of the committee members (or trustees) can be elected or co-opted by the existing committee members. Any member of the PSA can run for office. The elected committee members hold office until the following AGM.

The members of the Executive Committee for the year 2023/24 are listed below. Most of the members of the committee are working parents, who also work for the PSA on a voluntary basis.

The executive committee strives to work closely with school staff and parents to ensure that its aims are fulfilled.

Mel Desai


Tal Glover


Ken Navarro


Anna Wiseman


Michelle Plender


Sara Sheldon


Claire Green


Ewan Dunn


Harish Narayanan


Lucia Moni
