How funds are spent

MHPS PSA Donations to the school over the year 2022/2023

In the year 2022/23, amongst other things we were able to fund interior and exterior works and decoration of the STEAM Engine. 

MHPS PSA Donations to the school over the year 2021/2022

In the year 2021/22, amongst other things we were able to fund the new climbing frame on the green that urgently needed replacing. It was a big spend but the kids love it and are so happy to have it!

MHPS PSA Donations to the school over the year 2019/2020 

Well done all PSA members!!! 

In the year 2019/2020 we have donated amazing resources to the school to enhance our children's school journey!!! 

We could donate resources for a value of over £26,000, higher than the net profits raised, under £16,000, due to the accumulated funds raised in the previous year 2018/2019. 

See detailed information in the table below.

October 2020

Gallery of some of the donations to the school in 2019/2020

October 2020

Plan for 2019/2020

In the year 2019/20, we will be fundraising together for new smart boards, over 45 Chrome books, and two extra Chrome books trolleys among other things!

January 2020

MHPS PSA Donations to the school over the year 2018/2019 

Well done all PSA members!!! 

In the year 2018-2019 we have donated amazing resources to the school to enhance our children's school journey!!! See detailed information in the table below

November 2019

Gallery of some of the donations to the school in 2018/2019

January 2020


Working all together we’ve managed to replace another smart board and the kids and teachers love it! 

March 2019

How do we make decisions about what to donate to the school?

Decisions about how PSA's funds are spent are made carefully, working closely with the school leadership and teachers to understand the school priority needs. 

In general, the PSA would fund the purchase of one-off equipment and facilities. The PSA would usually not fund recurring expenditure, including the maintenance of equipment that the PSA has previously purchased for the school. Each year the PSA aims to give each class teacher £300 to top up resources as needed.

To identify the needs, at the beginning of each academic year the school leadership team would compose a wish list and give this to the PSA executive committee. Each item in the wish list would be considered and competitive costings would be sought to understand feasibility. In general terms, a subset of the items in the wish list would be funded, given budget and other considerations. The PSA executive committee would have the last word on how its raised funds are spent.

September 2018

Donations to the school over the year 2017/2018

In 2017/18, the PSA has donated over £43,000 to the school, mostly in the form of in-kind equipment and facilities. The table below shows the breakdown of the donations.

September 2018

3 Smarts screens for classrooms

Plaground markings KS2

New security gate KS1