
Sarah Chen Music Biography

From the day she won a national singing competition at 8, to the day she released her last album at 40, Sarah Chen 陈淑桦 traveled a long, winding path, accompanied by her most faithful assistant and manager, her mother. Chen' s extraordinary achievements, including winning Taiwan's Best Female Singer Award three-times, were interspersed with frustrations of a slow start and personal challenges and health scares. Sarah Chen was very talented, but it was her grit that made her the diva of divas. 

Her career path reminds us of Mencius's saying: "When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on someone, it always first tests their resolution, exhausts their muscles and bones, exposes their body to hunger, subjects them to extreme poverty..." Sarah Chen overcame many obstacles in her career through sheer determination, giving her music an unmatched level of depth and maturity. (Full Article)

从她8岁赢得全国歌唱比赛的那一天, 到她40岁发布最后一张专辑,陈淑桦走过了一条漫长而曲折的道路,她的母亲一直陪伴着她,作为她最忠实的助手和经理。陈淑桦虽有非凡成就,包括三次获得最佳女歌手奖和发行创纪录的专辑,但却面临了很多挫折,包括漫长的起步,各种音乐尝试,还有健康问题。陈淑桦是有天才,但真正让她成为天后的天后却是她的坚韧毅力。

她的职业生涯让我们想起孟子的说法:“于是天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身...” 也是这些煎熬和陈淑桦的毅力给她的音乐带来超高的深度和成熟度。(全文